Yeast Radio #1125 Busy Lyups

Yeast Radio with Madge Weinstein show

Summary: SHOW NOTES: yr1125 Dot Obese busy line lesbian background thug pr0n lesbian loser Blones… why? PHablets, Tablets & BLones. is the iPad a phad after all? why a 2nd inauguration? Ostentatious? own your own shit Winehouse book Kim Dotobese Secret Photo Streams Curmudgeon New Mega service Staypuff Marshmallow Man = Kim DotObese = leuwarge ebay clothing Encryption- is this service more "legal" than Megupload gyn pain Big and Tall store collapse Copyright infringement and Content Quality middle man vs. end user - who makes the money? MEGA=metaphor (obesadiabetis) rethink infringement- peer pressure copyright infringement vs. data privacy email leave a message +1 FIRM UTERUS Amray Dah-eet