Push To Regen - Episode 18

Push To Regen show

Summary: Holy news bomb, WizKids. Seriously. Gonna be honest, when the show notes for the episode were written, we thought we'd skate by talking about the Spider-Man setlist, as well as the Iron Man 3 solicits. Easy peasy. But, NO. Of COURSE not. Mega. Ton. Bomb. This week, the guys kick things off talking about the aforementioned Spidey setlist, the Origins national championship dates, as well as covering the solicits for a metric ton of sets - Iron Man 3, The Man of Steel, and Bioshock Infinite (all of which have starter sets!) We also learn about the new Tab App Elite game - well, we learn about the solicits, and see that it looks to be heavily influenced by the Skylanders series of video games - and that's not even remotely close to being a bad thing. We wrap up news with a peek into the leaked month 4 OP kit for No Man's Land, and move into our previews - one of which is a duck facing lord of the underworld (trust me, it'll make sense when you hear the show), the other being a shocking choice. Our game this week consisted of dwarves and honorary hobbits versus a league of justice. Yeah, you can probably guess how THAT one went. And in our anchor segment this week, we spend over an hour with 2012 worlds champion Alex Avila, asking him burning questions on our mind, but, more importantly, many of the questions YOU had for him get answered as well. All that, and we STILL have time for your tweets, emails, wall posts, and the always terrifying Nates Question of the Week - and this time, we make Alex answer with us! Visit the shows website at http://pushtoregen.com! You can contact the show in the following ways: pushtoregen@gmail.com,@pushtoregen on Twitter, or by posting a comment about the episode you just listened to, either on the Podbean site - http://pushtoregen.podbean.com, or feel free to leave us a rating and a review on iTunes! Give us a buzz on our Google Voice number (during normal waking hours on the east coast) at 321-236-2549. Also, Like us on Facebook, and join in the discussion! We'll also have a thread started in the A/V section of HCRealms! Don’t be afraid to push!