144 – YouTube Tricast (BF3, End Game, BF4)

Battlefield Podcast show

Summary: This episode is actually a round table discussion with 4 other fellow YouTubers/Battlefield community members. We talk about expected improvements to BF3 with End Game and what the future may bring with BF4. Please check out the other participants: Scannerbarkly http://www.twitter.com/Scannerbarkly http://www.youtube.com/user/scannerbarkly Billythekid http://www.twitter.com/BTK1234100 http://www.youtube.com/user/BillyTheKid1234100 PTFODylan http://www.twitter.com/UNSKIALz http://www.youtube.com/user/PTFODylan YNOTtheTiger http://www.twitter.com/YNOTtheTIGER http://www.youtube.com/user/YNOTtheTIGER