Episode 36: Don't call it a cumback!

Swap Fu Podcast show

Summary: We're finally moved into the new place... mostly.  We're back! Ms Swap Fu gets Uncorked.  Join the Girls Uncorked chapter in your city. Las Vegas trip highlights and tips and tricks for swinger travel newbies The Sex-Related Injury We talk about staying active in the lifestyle during a life transition FuGrrl wants to know how you gracefully exit a sexual situation that just got weird... email her FuGrrl@gmail.com Thank you for the your patience, emails and iTunes reviews.  Hopefully we're back on schedule now. Enjoy this episode's hot, hot music "Come Closer" by Miles Kane Follow @SwapFu and @FuGrrl on Twitter The Swap Fu podcast contains explicit, adult content, intended for listeners 18 years of age or older. The Swap Fu Podcast is intended for entertainment purposes only. We are not health or sexuality professionals and anything we say should not be construed as professional advice. Please contact us: swapfu@gmail.com Follow us on Twitter @swapfu Call us at 609-3SWAPFU Just remember Your Marriage May Vary!