Episode 40: We're Not Experts, But We Know Some

Swap Fu Podcast show

Summary: What's the Fu been up to?Co-hosting a party.  Shared responsibilities. Opportunity to meet new people. Swinger friends rule because they get excited and bring drinks, snacks and toys!  They also care better care of your stuff and have fun! Staying sober until 11:30 helped Mr Fu. As hosts, be ready to meet people.  "Welcome to our home!" Shout Outs: Thank you for "flood" of responses to the gusher topic Three doctors weighing in We've got a lot of practice ahead of us Younger swingers They play, and We've witnessed it! Thank you A and A Plans:Continue smaller get togethers Gushing practice! The New Years Eve dilemma Our music for this episode is, once again, Metric.  This time the song is "Help, I'm Alive" off the album Fantasies. The Swap Fu podcast contains explicit, adult content, intended for listeners 18 years of age or older. The Swap Fu Podcast is intended for entertainment purposes only. We are not health or sexuality professionals and anything we say should not be construed as professional advice. Please contact us: swapfu@gmail.com Follow us on Twitter @swapfu Call us at 609-3SWAPFU Just remember Your Marriage May Vary!