Behind the Counter # 13 - Laudamus Te and Studying the Bible With Father Pacwa

Musings From a Catholic Bookstore » Behind the Counter Catholic Radio Show show

Summary: On today's show I'm interviewing Margot Davidson, founder of a new Mass missalette called Laudamus Te and Fr. Mitch Pacwa about his Bible study for the Year of Faith. If you are familiar with the Magnificat Magazine, then Laudamus Te will be familiar. It's a missalette shipped every couple of months that is for use at the Extraordinary form Mass. I think this is a great idea and something that Latin Mass parishes should probably subscribe to in bulk because not everyone can afford a missal.Welcome to the the Behind the Counter Catholic radio show where we take a “No Bull, just the truth” approach to the Catholic Faith. I'm Ian Rutherford, founder of Thank you for taking the time to listen in today.This show is pre-recorded but you can still leave comments about this and upcoming shows on our comment line at 719-235-5045You can also subscribe to our show on iTunes. Just search for the Behind the Counter under podcasts.Today is November 17th, feast of St. Elizabeth of Hungary or November 19th on the Extraordinary Form calendar. St. Elizabeth was born in Presburg, Hungary in 1207, the daughter of King Andrew II. When she was four she was sent to Thuringia, a province in Germany for school and was betrothed to the infant prince of the country. The prince died as a child but Elizabeth stayed and eventually married prince Louis of Thuringia at the age of thirteen. She was a very devout child and after her marriage her husband supported her charitable activity and religious devotions even though her relatives disapproved. The couple had three children but Louis was killed in battle during the crusades. St. Elizabeth's inlaws basically disowned her and she left the court. After securing care for her children she became a tertiary Franciscan and dedicated herself to caring for the poor including the building of a hospital in Marburg and donating a large supply of grain to German farmers during a famine. She died at the age of 24.St. Elizabeth is the patron of bakers, charities, exiles, hospitals and beggars among others. She is usually shown in art as being dressed as a princess while carrying a basket of bread. She was the great aunt of St. Elizabeth of Portugal.Other upcoming events and feasts include Presentation of Mary (11/21)St. Cecilia and Thanksgiving Day (11/22)St. Clement I (11/23)St. John of the Cross and St. Andrew Dung Lac (11/24)If you would like to leave comments about the show, you can call our comment line at 719-235-5045During the month of November our family tries to make it to a cemetery to fulfill the requirements for a plenary indulgence for souls in Purgatory. This year we decided to go to our neighborhood cemetery instead of driving all the way into town. We live in a development on what used to be cattle grazing land far north of Colorado Springs and there is a small abandoned cemetery on the edge of the property fenced in by barbed wire. I assume that it houses the graves of the original ranching families but I haven't actually trespassed to see who is buried there.Typically we would go to the cemetery during the day but we couldn't make it on the weekend so we were left with weekday evenings as the only option. Unfortunately, in Colorado Springs the mountains make the early sunsets of winter begin about an hour earlier than other places so by 6 it is already dark.So how hard is it to sell “Let's to to a cemetery and pray for the souls in purgatory. In the dark.” to ten kids? Surprisingly, not very. So we all bundled up and drove over to the cemetery. Fortunately, the folks who live in the house by the fence weren't home or we'd probably have had the sheriff out there. A dozen people standing by a cemetery at night silhouetted by the high beams of van probably looks a little too horror movie-ish for the average bystander.If we had tried for Halloween atmosphere, we really couldn't have done any better. Dark night, wind, a moon mostly hidden behind clouds, and of course,