Vampire Diares S:2 | As I Lay Dying E:22 | AfterBuzz TV AfterShow

Vampire Diaries AfterBuzz TV Aftershow show

Summary: AFTERBUZZ TV – Vampire Diaries edition, is a weekly “after show” for fans of CW’s hit cult show “Vampire Diaries”. In tonight’s episode host DJ Jesse Janedy breaks down the season finale in which Mystic Falls screens "Gone with The Wind" in the town square, and Damon's memories of Katherine in 1864 mix with the reality of present-day Elena; Stefan pays a steep price after trying to prevent a tragedy, and Sheriff Forbes makes a dangerous mistake while trying to keep everyone safe. There to help Jesse are co-hosts Emily Harbert and Janora McDuffie. In the special segment, they give their predictions for season 3. It’s Vampire Diaries' “As I Lay Dying” episode.