SPP 038 – Talking Dirty with Self-Published Erotica Author Lexi Maxxwell

The Story Studio Podcast - Writing, Storytelling, and Marketing Advice for Writers & Business show

Summary: Well, this is the show we've been eagerly anticipating for weeks, wherein we talk all about sex, writing about sex, getting down and dirty, and Dave's new nickname: "cum slut." DISCLAIMER: Although our show is normally kind of explicit, this show takes it to a whole new level. Today's guest has an absolutely FILTHY mouth. Get the kids out of the room, okay? ALSO: You should assume that all links in this post are at least somewhat NSFW. Act 1: Lexi Maxxwell stalks us Lexi Maxxwell -- who, shockingly enough, we discovered uses a pen name -- says she's been listening to our podcast from the beginning. She's taken all of our advice and has run with it, even going so far as to create a "Sean Platt style" marketing funnel. So it wasn't surprising that when we indicated that we really wanted to have an erotica author on following the worldwide phenomenon self-published dynamo 50 Shades of Grey, Lexi totally stalked Sean and pestered him until we 1) inspected her work and her promotion plan and found both awesome (unlike the TONS of shitty erotica out there) and then 2) agreed to have her on the show. Act 2: Lexi stalks Tucker Max Lexi really stepped up her pestering after our Tucker Max show. She had a hilarious idea involving Tucker that she needed to -- and subsequently DID -- clear with Tucker. Specifically, she wanted to write a story called "I Fucked Tucker Max." We'll obviously need to keep on top of this story and let you know what happens with it. Act 3: Lexi makes our podcast even more NSFW than normal We talked about everything on this show, and that talk was absolutely filthy. New words we debuted this week include "cum slut," "cum whore," and the concept of "being fucked hard against a wall." To be fair, all of these phrases and concepts were always latent at SPP, but Lexi brought them right out into the open. We talked about how to blend explicit sex with characters people actually will like and care about. We talked about the spectrum of erotic writing, which goes all the way from scene-based, very explicit "written porn" to softer, more romantic writing using words like "mound" (which Lexi felt to was "not an accurate description.") We talked about different formats in erotica, ranging from gonzo-style short stories with "pornish" titles (of which Lexi has many; I was most amused by "Call of Booty: Modern Whorefare") to longer, more-complete-and-not-100%-sexual works like her novel Bitten, which Lexi says will become a trilogy. We talked about how to market erotica, and how it differs from other fiction. (Sean even critiqued Lexi's marketing funnel, which looks EXACTLY like his own funnel for his kids' project. He then ends up advising her to move to a slightly different funnel... that would look EXACTLY like what Sean and I are doing for Unicorn Western.) We talked about women writing erotic vs. men, and Lexi mentioned her friend K.R. Gray, who IS a man. Dave was weirded out by the idea of reading a dude's erotica… but I (Johnny) noticed afterward that not only does K.R. say that he writes with his wife, but also noted with amusement that he's doing a fucking SERIAL called Filthy Dirty Normal -- thus proving that there is apparently nothing out there that sex writers cannot and will not steal from Sean and Dave. We talked about EVERYTHING. No holds barred here. And we had so much fun that we kind of want to have Lexi back for more. NOTE: There is no YouTube video of this episode because Lexi needs to keep her identity secret.