Survival and Beyond - January 16, 2013

Survival and Beyond - show

Summary: In this episode of Survival and Beyond Ed talks about New York State's proactive step towards tyranny with their newly minted gun control law and how one section violates patient privacy while perpetuating what may be the root cause behind these horrific shootings in the first place! Ed recounts from his own personal experience the horrific side-effects of some anti-depressants and the dangerously reckless manner in which they are prescribed. He also talks about Anderson Cooper's recent contrived grandstanding for the purpose of discrediting and vilifying those who question the official Sandy Hook story (It's awful convenient when a "journalist" who was caught staging fake news just a few months ago can stand before America and insist that the MSM is the ONLY sources you should believe!) Ed also discusses the power of your local sheriff and how many are taking a stand across America, voicing their commitment to uphold the Constitution, refusing to enforce federal gun control law!