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Librivox: Backwoods of Canada, The by Traill, Catharine Parr show

Librivox: Backwoods of Canada, The by Traill, Catharine ParrJoin Now to Follow

The writer is as earnest in recommending ladies who belong to the higher class of settlers to cultivate all the mental resources of a superior education, as she is to induce them to discard all irrational and artificial wants and mere useless pursuits. She would willingly direct their attention to the natural history and botany of this new country, in which they will find a never-failing source of amusement and instruction, at once enlightening and elevating the mind, and serving to fill up the void left by the absence of those lighter feminine accomplishments, the practice of which are necessarily superseded by imperative domestic duties. To the person who is capable of looking abroad into the beauties of nature, and adoring the Creator through his glorious works, are opened stores of unmixed pleasure, which will not permit her to be dull or unhappy in the loneliest part of our Western Wilderness. The writer of these pages speaks from experience, and would be pleased to find that the simple sources from which she has herself drawn pleasure, have cheered the solitude of future female sojourners in the backwoods of Canada. Summary from book introduction

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Librivox: Counterpane Fairy, The by Pyle, Katherine show

Librivox: Counterpane Fairy, The by Pyle, KatherineJoin Now to Follow

A little boy, recuperating from a lengthy illness, is entertained by visits from the Counterpane Fairy, who treats him to stories associated with each of the squares in the counterpane (quilt) on his sickbed. She has him concentrate on one of the squares until it turns into something like a doorway into the story. Once inside the story, he becomes its lead character until it fades out as if he's awakening from a dream. (Summary by Lee)

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Librivox: Elixiere des Teufels, Die by Hoffmann, E.T.A. show

Librivox: Elixiere des Teufels, Die by Hoffmann, E.T.A.Join Now to Follow

Der Bruder Medardus ist ein hoch angesehenes, für seine feurigen Predigten bekanntes Mitglied der Klostergemeinde. Als ihm die Aufsicht über die Reliquienkammer übertragen wird, beginnt jedoch sein Niedergang. Unter den Schätzen befindet sich auch eine Flasche der Elixiere des Teufels, mit denen der Satan vor Jahrhunderten den heiligen Antonius verführen wollte. Ein Schluck aus der Flasche besiegelt seinen Abstieg. Obgleich seine Predigten feuriger denn je werden, verliert er sich in Selbstverliebtheit und entsagt so dem Göttlichen. In der Hoffnung, Medardus Seele zu retten schickt ihn der Prior des Klosters auf die Reise nach Rom. Einmal frei von den Mauern des Klosters, beginnt Medardus Kampf gegen den den Verführer. Seine Reise ist gegprägt von Lügen, Diebstahl und Mord. Immer wieder begegnet er Personen, die ihm erstaunlich ähnlich sind. In diesen findet er all seine Schwächen wieder, er schlüpft in ihre Rollen, versucht ihr Leben und findet letztlich doch wieder zu sich selbst zurück.

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Librivox: Star Surgeon by Nourse, Alan Edward show

Librivox: Star Surgeon by Nourse, Alan EdwardJoin Now to Follow

Dal Timgar had always wanted to be a doctor. As a Garvian and the first non-human to study medicine on Hospital Earth, he must face enormous adversity from classmates, professors, and some of the highest ranking physicians on all of Earth. Will his efforts be enough to earn him the Silver Star of a Star Surgeon? (Summary by Scott D. Farquhar)

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Librivox: Rainbow, The by Lawrence, D. H. show

Librivox: Rainbow, The by Lawrence, D. H.Join Now to Follow

The Rainbow is a 1915 novel by British author D.H. Lawrence. It follows three generations of the Brangwen family, particularly focusing on the sexual dynamics of, and relations between, the characters. (Summary from Wikipedia)

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Librivox: Lectures on Landscape by Ruskin, John show

Librivox: Lectures on Landscape by Ruskin, JohnJoin Now to Follow

A series of lectures on landscape painting delivered at Oxford in 1871, by artist, critic, and social commentator, John Ruskin.

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Librivox: History of the United States, Vol. I by Beard, Charles Austin show

Librivox: History of the United States, Vol. I by Beard, Charles AustinJoin Now to Follow

Charles Austin Beard was the most influential American historian of the early 20th century. He published hundreds of monographs, textbooks and interpretive studies in both history and political science. He graduated from DePauw University in 1898, where he met and eventually married Mary Ritter Beard, one of the founders of the first greek-letter society for women, Kappa Alpha Theta. Many of his books were written in collaboration with his wife, whose own interests lay in feminism and the labor union movement (Woman as a Force in History, 1946). In 1921, Charles and Mary Beard published their History of the United States. A contemporaneous review stated: The authors… assume enough maturity in high school students to justify a topical rather than a chronological treatment. They have dealt with movements, have sketched large backgrounds, have traced causes, and have discussed the interrelation of social and economic forces and politics. All this has been directed to the large purpose of helping the student to understand American today in all its national characteristics and as part of world civilization as well…The literary style is exceptionally clear and crisp, and the whole approach…is thought producing. As a textbook or handbook for the average citizen it ranks with very best.

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Librivox: Dot and the Kangaroo by Pedley, Ethel C. show

Librivox: Dot and the Kangaroo by Pedley, Ethel C.Join Now to Follow

Dot and the Kangaroo, written in 1899, is a children's book by Ethel C. Pedley about a little girl named Dot who gets lost in the Australian outback and is eventually befriended by a kangaroo and several other marsupials. (Summary from Wikipedia)

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Librivox: Day Boy and the Night Girl, The by MacDonald, George show

Librivox: Day Boy and the Night Girl, The by MacDonald, GeorgeJoin Now to Follow

A boy named Photogen, who has never seen the moon, meets a girl named Nycteris, who has never seen the sun. The two of them must escape from the witch Watho. As usual with George MacDonald, this fairy tale has layers of meaning that go deeper than the story on the surface. (summary by L.A. Walden)

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