Podcast Directory

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for Capricorn show

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for CapricornJoin Now to Follow

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for Capricorn. In this daily horoscope podcast, The Astrologer, narrates your Capricorn daily horoscope. You can subscribe to the Capricorn Daily Horoscope and listen to your daily horoscope every day. I invite you to subscribe to the free Capricorn Daily Horoscope. Enjoy listening to as many signs as you like, every day, for free!

By podcast@theastrologer.biz

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for Cancer show

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for CancerJoin Now to Follow

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for Cancer. In this daily horoscope podcast, The Astrologer, narrates your Cancer daily horoscope. You can subscribe to the Cancer Daily Horoscope and listen to your daily horoscope every day. I invite you to subscribe to the free Cancer Daily Horoscope. Enjoy listening to as many signs as you like, every day, for free!

By podcast@theastrologer.biz

Astrology for Witches show

Astrology for WitchesJoin Now to Follow

Cairelle Perilloux and Dusty White discuss astrology for everyday witches. We help you enhance your spell work by teaching you how to harness the various flavors of energy from the spectrum rather than simply grabbing blindly at generic "energy." This is master-level work presented in terms even beginners can understand (and, we hope, enjoy!) This podcast is ALWAYS FREE and contains information you will not find anywhere else, explained by two people who know the hows and whys of magic, astrology, and effective prayer. The format is long-form discussion and is casual and uncensored. The occasional expletive will find its way in our discussions (oopsie!) because this is real talk about real magic. We may occasionally (momentarily) tout my books, but other than that there are no sales pitches. It is an educational podcast we hope you will listen to a few times and try our exercises for yourself so you can see REAL RESULTS in YOUR LIFE. Please comment or contact us as you like. We are here to help.

By Cairelle and Dusty

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for Virgo show

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for VirgoJoin Now to Follow

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for Virgo. In this daily horoscope podcast, The Astrologer, narrates your Virgo daily horoscope. You can subscribe to the Virgo Daily Horoscope and listen to your daily horoscope every day. I invite you to subscribe to the free Virgo Daily Horoscope. Enjoy listening to as many signs as you like, every day, for free!

By podcast@theastrologer.biz

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for Aries show

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for AriesJoin Now to Follow

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for Aries. In this daily horoscope podcast, The Astrologer, narrates your Aries daily horoscope. You can subscribe to the Aries Daily Horoscope and listen to your daily horoscope every day. I invite you to subscribe to the free Aries Daily Horoscope. Enjoy listening to as many signs as you like, every day, for free!

By podcast@theastrologer.biz

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for Leo show

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for LeoJoin Now to Follow

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for Leo. In this daily horoscope podcast, The Astrologer, narrates your Leo daily horoscope. You can subscribe to the Leo Daily Horoscope and listen to your daily horoscope every day. I invite you to subscribe to the free Leo Daily Horoscope. Enjoy listening to as many signs as you like, every day, for free!

By podcast@theastrologer.biz

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for Scorpio show

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for ScorpioJoin Now to Follow

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for Scorpio. In this daily horoscope podcast, The Astrologer, narrates your Scorpio daily horoscope. You can subscribe to the Scorpio Daily Horoscope and listen to your daily horoscope every day. I invite you to subscribe to the free Scorpio Daily Horoscope. Enjoy listening to as many signs as you like, every day, for free!

By podcast@theastrologer.biz

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for Pisces show

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for PiscesJoin Now to Follow

The Astrologer: Today's Daily Horoscope for Pisces. In this daily horoscope podcast, The Astrologer, narrates your Pisces daily horoscope. You can subscribe to the Pisces Daily Horoscope and listen to your daily horoscope every day. I invite you to subscribe to the free Pisces Daily Horoscope. Enjoy listening to as many signs as you like, every day, for free!

By podcast@theastrologer.biz

Buddhist Boot Camp Podcast show

Buddhist Boot Camp PodcastJoin Now to Follow

The intention is to awaken, enlighten, enrich, and inspire. Timber Hawkeye, bestselling author of Buddhist Boot Camp and Faithfully Religionless, offers a secular approach to being at peace with the world, both within and around us. As the Dalai Lama says, "Don't try to use what you learn from Buddhism to be a Buddhist, use it to be a better whatever-you-already-are."

By Timber Hawkeye

Mormon Truth Uncensored!! show

Mormon Truth Uncensored!!Join Now to Follow

Welcome everyone to my Mormon Truth Uncensored Podcast. I spent over 30 years in the Mormon church and about 4 years ago, I discovered THE TRUTH, which is that it is nothing but a fraud and cult, built on lies, deception and corruption. This podcast is a supplement to my Mormon Truth Podcast. In this podcast, I will discuss current events and what is happening right now in the Mormon cult and their corrupt Hierarchy. It will be a great addition to the Mormon Truth Family!! Enjoy everyone!! Samuel the Utahnite

By Samuel the Utahnite