Audio Podcast Directory - Podcasts with only audio episodes

Librivox: Red Badge of Courage, The by Crane, Stephen show

Librivox: Red Badge of Courage, The by Crane, StephenJoin Now to Follow

This is a short novel published in 1895 and based vaguely on the battle of Chancellorsville of the American Civil War. Unlike other works on the subject, Crane's novel does not concentrate on the big picture or the glory of war but on the psychology of one of its soldiers.

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Librivox: Christmas Short Works Collection 2006 by Various show

Librivox: Christmas Short Works Collection 2006 by VariousJoin Now to Follow

LibriVox's 2006 Christmas Colletion containing public domain short stories, essays, poems, and scripture passages recorded by a variety of LibriVox members.

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Librivox: Christmas Poetry and Hymn Collection by Various show

Librivox: Christmas Poetry and Hymn Collection by VariousJoin Now to Follow

This collection includes 40 different Christmas carols collected and read by Douglas D. Anderson, the creator of The Hymns and Carols of Christmas website, a public-domain collection of Christmas music containing over 2,600 hymns, carols and songs.

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Librivox: Parasite, The by Doyle, Arthur Conan, Sir show

Librivox: Parasite, The by Doyle, Arthur Conan, SirJoin Now to Follow

Being a physiologist, Austin Gilroy is unconvinced that the occult is real. His friend Professor Wilson, however, is not only convinced that psychical powers are real, but eagerly desires that Gilroy should be persuaded. To this end, Wilson invites Austin to his house for a demonstration. The effect is that Austin, although still skeptical, now concedes that there is more in the matter than he at first believed. But when the psychic, Miss Penclosa, controls his actions to the point where he nearly murders his fiancee, Austin Gilroy doubts no longer. (summary by Carl V.)

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Librivox: Woyzeck by Büchner, Georg show

Librivox: Woyzeck by Büchner, GeorgJoin Now to Follow

Woyzeck ist ein Dramenfragment des deutschen Dramatikers und Dichters Georg Büchner. Büchner begann vermutlich zwischen Juni und September 1836 mit der Niederschrift. Bei seinem frühen Tod im Jahr 1837 blieb das Werk als Fragment zurück. Das Manuskript ist in mehreren Entwurfsstufen überliefert. Im Druck erschien Woyzeck erstmals 1879 in der stark überarbeiteten und vom Herausgeber veränderten Fassung von Karl Emil Franzos. "Woyzeck" wurde am 8. November 1913 im Residenztheater München uraufgeführt. Der einfache Soldat Franz Woyzeck, der seine Freundin Marie und das gemeinsame uneheliche Kind, die genau wie er am Rande der Gesellschaft leben, zu unterstützen versucht, arbeitet als Laufbursche für seinen Hauptmann. Dieser und ein skrupelloser Arzt nutzen Franz physisch und psychisch aus. Marie lässt sich mit einem Tambourmajor ein und Woyzecks aufkeimender Verdacht wird durch ihm nicht freundlich gesonnene Mitmenschen geschürt, bis die Handlung eskaliert. Anmerkung: Dieses Stück ist ein Fragment. Es gibt keine einzig richtige Reihenfolge der einzelnen Szenen, denn sie sind weder numeriert noch in Akte aufgeteilt. Die hier vorliegende Reihenfolge stimmt großenteils mit der Verfilmung mit Klaus Kinski in der Hauptrolle überein. Überdies ist jede Szene in einer gesondert aufgenommen, so daß das Werk auf "shuffle" gehört werden kann, um neue Interpretationen zu finden. Das Stück spielt in Darmstadt, die Figuren sprechen größtenteils in dortigem Dialekt. Deshalb haben im Hochdeutschen grammatikalisch falsche Konstruktionen hier seine Richtigkeit. (Summary by Wikipedia, Thomas Rappel, und Rainer)

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Librivox: Metamorphosis, The by Kafka, Franz show

Librivox: Metamorphosis, The by Kafka, FranzJoin Now to Follow

The Metamorphosis (in German, Die Verwandlung, "The Transformation") is a novella by Franz Kafka, first published in 1915, and arguably the most famous of his works along with the longer works The Trial and The Castle. The story begins with a traveling salesman, Gregor Samsa, waking to find himself transformed into a giant "monstrous vermin". (Summary from Wikipedia)

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Librivox: Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences by Twain, Mark show

Librivox: Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences by Twain, MarkJoin Now to Follow

Fenimore Cooper - author of The Deerslayer , The Last of the Mohicans , etc - has often been praised, but just as often been criticised for his writing. Mark Twain wrote a funny, vicious little essay on the subject, in which he states: "In one place in 'Deerslayer,' and in the restricted space of two-thirds of a page, Cooper has scored 114 offences against literary art out of a possible 115." (Summary by Gesine)

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Librivox: Tiger, The by Blake, William show

Librivox: Tiger, The by Blake, WilliamJoin Now to Follow

LibriVox volunteers bring you twelve different recordings of The Tiger, by William Blake. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of December 3rd, 2006.

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Librivox: Queen Lucia by Benson, E. F. show

Librivox: Queen Lucia by Benson, E. F.Join Now to Follow

E. F. Benson (1867-1940) was born at Wellington College in Berkshire, where his father, who later went on to become the Archbishop of Canterbury, was the first Headmaster. He wrote 105 books in all. Queen Lucia (first published in 1920) was the first of Benson’s ‘Mapp and Lucia’ novels of which there were six. This first book is a comedy of manners based in the provincial village of Riseholme, where Emmeline Lucas (the Queen Lucia of the title) presides over the social and artistic universe of the gullible residents. Her aide-de-camp in these matters is the somewhat effete Georgie Pillson and the chief competitor for her ‘crown’ is Daisy Quantock. The scandal of the Guru, the psychical goings on with Princess Popoffski and the arrival into the sleepy village of a famous Prima Donna all conspire to threaten her supremacy… (summary by Martin Clifton

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Librivox: Bible (WEB) NT 04: John by World English Bible show

Librivox: Bible (WEB) NT 04: John by World English BibleJoin Now to Follow

The book of John stands out among the Biblical writings about Jesus as an eloquent depiction of his deity, composed in detailed and elegant prose. It's believed to have been written by the apostle John near the end of the first century A.D. The World English Bible is a new public-domain translation, retaining the accuracy and beauty of previous translations as well as of the original languages, while achieving a remarkable level of accessibility to modern readers. Summary by Rachelellen

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