Audio Podcast Directory - Podcasts with only audio episodes

Librivox: Sonnet 130 by Shakespeare, William show

Librivox: Sonnet 130 by Shakespeare, WilliamJoin Now to Follow

LibriVox volunteers bring you seventeen different readings of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130. This sonnet offers a look into the Elizabethan ideal of womanly beauty, then turns it on its head with wry realism. Then as now, real beauty is inside. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of March 5, 2006. (Summary by Fox in the Stars)

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Librivox: White Fang by London, Jack show

Librivox: White Fang by London, JackJoin Now to Follow

White Fang (1906) was written as a companion to Jack London’s successful Call of the Wild (1903). It is the tale of a wild dog born in the wild and eventually brought to civilization. The story is viewed primarily through the eyes of its canine protagonist and deals with themes of morality and redemption. (Summary by Gord Mackenzie.)

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Librivox: Kleider machen Leute by Keller, Gottfried show

Librivox: Kleider machen Leute by Keller, GottfriedJoin Now to Follow

Die Erzählung “Kleider machen Leute” erschien 1874 im zweiten Band des Novellenzyklus “Die Leute von Seldwyla”. Ein arbeitsloser Schneidergeselle darf unterwegs in einer vornehmen Kutsche Platz nehmen. Der im kleinen Orte Goldach dem herrschaftlichen Wagen entsteigende Schneider wird vom Kutscher als Herr aristokratischer Herkunft ausgegeben. Der Schneider, der durch sein melancholisches Aussehen, vor allem aber durch seinen kostbar wirkenden Mantel und seine Pelzmütze Aufsehen erregt, gilt bald als ein polnischer Graf, den die Goldacher Bürgerschaft bewirtet und feiert. Er fördert das Mißverständnis nicht von sich aus, findet aber auch nicht den Mut, es aufzuklären. Umsoweniger, als sich die Tochter des Amtsrates in ihn verliebt… (Zusammenfassung von Stefan Schmelz)

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Librivox: Aesop's Fables, Volume 06 (Fables 126-150) by Aesop show

Librivox: Aesop's Fables, Volume 06 (Fables 126-150) by AesopJoin Now to Follow

Dating back to the 6th century BC, Aesop's Fables tell universal truths through the use of simple allegories that are easily understood. Though almost nothing is known of Aesop himself, and some scholars question whether he existed at all, these stories stand as timeless classics known in almost every culture in the world. This is volume 6 of 12. (Summary by Chip)

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Librivox: Ten Days in a Madhouse by Bly, Nellie show

Librivox: Ten Days in a Madhouse by Bly, NellieJoin Now to Follow

In 1887 Nellie Bly, one of the first female newspaper writers, and a young reporter who would soon go on to make a career for herself as an investigative journalist and “stunt” reporter, had herself committed to the Blackwell’s Island Insane Asylum in New York. Her purpose was to discover what life was like for those who had been deemed insane. She was surprised to discover the depth of mistreatement of the patients. Partially as a result of her reporting, more money was allocated to the asylum and reforms were put into place. (Summary by Alice)

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Librivox: Amendments to the United States Constitution by United States, Founding Fathers of the show

Librivox: Amendments to the United States Constitution by United States, Founding Fathers of theJoin Now to Follow

The Amendments to the Constitution of the USA are a continuously modified document that attempts to secure all basic and other rights for American citizens. The most recent amendment was made in the early 1970's during the Vietnam war; this amendment lowered the voting age to 18. The first ten amendments (A.K.A. the Bill of Rights) was made by the founding fathers shortly after the actual constitution was made. The Bill of Rights covers all those things that the settlers found wrong with the rule of King George III of England. Such as: Quartering of soldiers, Freedom of speech, and Search and seizure. (Summary by Shurtagal)

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Librivox: Bible (ASV) 18: Job by American Standard Version show

Librivox: Bible (ASV) 18: Job by American Standard VersionJoin Now to Follow

The Book of Job (American Standard Version) is presented in forty-two chapters and is one of the Old Testament Wisdom Books. The narrative chronicles the trials of Job as he is brought low from a comfortable and exalted position in his community to face loss of his fortune, children and health. Joined by three friends who initially commiserate and sympathize with him, there ensues a lengthy argument about the fate of the wicked and the just and much questioning about the character of God and the justice He metes out to his creations. A quite lively and poetic discussion ensues among these wise elders and their suppositions and conclusions are eventually contested by a youth who enters the discussion toward the end. God has the final word in this narrative and Job is left to abjectly acknowledge that his complaints and knowledge mean little in the face of that which is so far beyond his ability to comprehend. Debate regarding the meaning, purpose and author of this book is still hotly contested among biblical scholars. It is far beyond the scope of this summary to offer any conclusions regarding this work. The reader offers the words to the listener with no judgment or further explanation. Even without deep examination, the poetic nature of the story offers many insights into facing and overcoming adversity. (Summary by Robert Garrison)

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Librivox: Four Million, The by Henry, O. show

Librivox: Four Million, The by Henry, O.Join Now to Follow

Born in 1862 and died in 1910, O. Henry’s birth name is William Sydney Porter; however, he adopted the pen name O. Henry while in prison. He published 10 collections and over 600 short stories during his lifetime. The Four Million is the second book written by O. Henry while he served time for embezzlement in a penitentiary in Ohio. The book is a series of short stories which take place in New York City in the early years of the 20th century and are representative of the surprise endings that popularized O. Henry’s work. They also capture his use of coincidence or chance to create humor in the story. O Henry wrote about ordinary people in everyday circumstances. He is quoted as once saying, “There are stories in everything. I’ve got some of my best yarns from park benches, lampposts and newspaper stands.” I hope you enjoy the following readings as much as I enjoyed recording them. (Summary by Marian Brown)

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Librivox: Caedmon's Hymn by Caedmon show

Librivox: Caedmon's Hymn by CaedmonJoin Now to Follow

Cædmon was an Anglo-Saxon herdsman attached to the double monastery of Streonæshalch (657–681). Originally ignorant of the art of song, Cædmon learned to compose one night in the course of a dream. Cædmon’s only known surviving work is Cædmon’s Hymn, the nine-line alliterative vernacular praise poem in honour of the Christian god he supposedly learned to sing in his initial dream. The poem is one of the earliest attested examples of Old English and is one of three candidates for the earliest attested example of Old English poetry. It is also one of the earliest recorded examples of sustained poetry in a Germanic language. (Summary from wikipedia)

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Librivox: War of the Worlds, The (version 2) by Wells, H. G. show

Librivox: War of the Worlds, The (version 2) by Wells, H. G.Join Now to Follow

War of the Worlds by Herbert George Wells (H.G. Wells) was published in 1898 at a time when he wrote a series of novels related to a number of historical events of the time. The most important of these was the unification and militarization of Germany. The story, written in a semi-documentary style, is told in the first person by an unnamed observer. It tells of the events which happen mostly in London and the county of Surrey, England, when a number of vessels manned by aliens are fired from Mars and land on Earth. (Summary by Rebecca)

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