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Librivox: Fables de La Fontaine, livre 11 by La Fontaine, Jean de show

Librivox: Fables de La Fontaine, livre 11 by La Fontaine, Jean deJoin Now to Follow

Ce onzième livre des fables de Jean de La Fontaine est celui qui contient le plus petit nombre de fables: 10. Toutefois, les textes de ces fables sont plus élaborés que ceux des textes des premiers livres du fabuliste. Le message est plus songé et aussi... moins accessible, ce qui pourrait expliquer que ces fables soient moins connues du grand public. (de Jean Lambert)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Multilingual Poetry Collection 007 by Various show

Librivox: Multilingual Poetry Collection 007 by VariousJoin Now to Follow

In LibriVox’s Multilingual Poetry Collection, LibriVox volunteers read their favourite public-domain poems in languages other than English. (Summary by David Barnes).

By LibriVox

Librivox: Жития Святых, т. 08 априллий (Zhitiia Sviatykh, v. 08 - April) by Dimitriĭ, Saint Metropolitan of Rostov show

Librivox: Жития Святых, т. 08 априллий (Zhitiia Sviatykh, v. 08 - April) by Dimitriĭ, Saint Metropolitan of RostovJoin Now to Follow

Жития и похвалы святых подобятся светлостию звездам: якоже бо звезды положением на небеси утвержденны суть, всю же поднебесную просвещают, тыяжде и от Индиан зрятся, ни сокрываются от скифов, землю озаряют, и морю светят, и плавающих корабли управляют: ихже имен аще и не вемы множества ради, обаче светлей доброте их чудимся. Сице и светлость святых, аще и затворены суть мощи их во гробех, но силы их в поднебесней земными пределы не суть определенны: чудимся тех житию, и удивляемся славе, еюже Бог угодившыя Ему прославляет. [St. Symeon Metaphrastes on the Lives of the Saints, 10th century A. D. ENGLISH TRANSLATION: The lives and the eulogies of the Saints resemble, by their luminosity, the stars: for as the stars, firmly studded in the firmament as they are, illume the entire universe, and the same stars are beheld by the Indians, and are not hid from the Scythians, and shed their radiance over the earth and the seas, and show the way to the ships: and even if we know not their names for their multitude’s sake, we as yet admire their brilliant loveliness. So, too, doeth the brilliance of the Saints, even when their relics are shut under a tombstone, yet their miracles in the entire universe are not bound by earthly confines: we admire their lives and wonder at the glory wherewith God glorifieth those who have pleased Him. This succinct description is found as introduction to each of the 12 volumes of the Church Slavonic Lives.]

By LibriVox

Librivox: Short Poetry Collection 065 by Various show

Librivox: Short Poetry Collection 065 by VariousJoin Now to Follow

LibriVox's Short Poetry Collection 065: a collection of 20 public-domain poems.

By LibriVox

Librivox: Midsummer Night's Dream, A by Shakespeare, William show

Librivox: Midsummer Night's Dream, A by Shakespeare, WilliamJoin Now to Follow

Magic, fairies, young lovers chasing each other through a forest, a man with a donkey's head, and impish Puck wreaking havoc right and left. What's going on here? It's A Midsummer Night's Dream , Shakespeare at his most fanciful. The play opens with Theseus, Duke of Athens, preparing for his wedding. Egeus complains to Theseus that his daughter Hermia refuses to marry Demetrius. When Hermia is given the choice between marriage to Demetrius or life as a nun, she and her true love Lysander flee into the forest. Demetrius follows them; and Helena, who loves Demetrius, follows him . Also in the forest are Oberon and Titania, king and queen of the fairies, at odds with one another. At Oberon's behest, Puck causes Demetrius to fall in love with Helena -- oops, he missed, that was Lysander instead. Mayhem ensues. In the meantime, a group of bumbling craftsmen rehearses a play. Puck gives one of them, Bottom, the head of an ass and makes Titania fall in love with him. Further hilarity results as Bottom sees nothing at all odd about this. Eventually everything is straightened out, Bottom and the rest "perform" their play, there is a triple wedding, and Puck assures us the whole thing has been a dream. Number of quotes you know: 5 (what fools these mortals be). Useful insults: 19. (Summary by Laurie Anne Walden)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians, The by Polycarp show

Librivox: Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians, The by PolycarpJoin Now to Follow

Polycarp's Letter to the Philippians (often simply called To the Philippians) composed around 110 to 140 AD [1] is described by Irenaeus as follows: There is also a forceful epistle written by Polycarp to the Philippians, from which those who wish to do so, and are anxious about their salvation, can learn the character of his faith, and the preaching of the truth. (J Stevenson, A new Eusebius [London: SPCK, 1965] p. 120) This is one quote from the epistle: "Stand fast, therefore, in this conduct and follow the example of the Lord, 'firm and unchangeable in faith, lovers of the brotherhood, loving each other, united in truth,' helping each other with the mildness of the Lord, despising no man." (Summary by Wikipedia)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners by Bunyan, John show

Librivox: Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners by Bunyan, JohnJoin Now to Follow

Grace Abounding is the spiritual autobiography of John Bunyan, who also penned Pilgrim’s Progress, perhaps one of the most significant pieces of Christian literature, second only to the Bible. Grace Abounding follows Bunyan’s struggle to find true repentance and forgiveness, his battle with Satan’s temptations of unbelief, his comfort found in the Bible and his overarching victory gotten by the grace of God through Jesus Christ his Son. Readers familiar with Pilgrim’s Progress will recognize that many of the allegorical points in his famous work came out of Bunyan’s own struggles and discoveries, and it has been said that Bunyan could not have written Pilgrim’s Progress without first going through the battles chronicled in Grace Abounding. (Summary by Stephen Escalera)

By LibriVox

FX Options University show

FX Options UniversityJoin Now to Follow

Welcome to FX Options University! Join the industry's top trading professionals as they provide investors with insight on navigating the currency markets using FX Options.


The D&B Garden Show show

The D&B Garden ShowJoin Now to Follow

Weekly call in talk show all about gardening, planting, lawn care, and trees.

By D&B Supply

Equine Clicker 101 by Shawna Karrasch show

Equine Clicker 101 by Shawna KarraschJoin Now to Follow

Welcome to class, Clicker Training Class! Learn the fundamentals of positive reinforcement training (clicker training) in this unique hands-on podcast. A pioneer in this training, Shawna Karrasch takes you step by step through an explanation and exercises you can practice with your horse while listening to the podcast. Joining this class is easy, just click play. Part of the Horse Radio Network.

By Horse Radio Network