Audio Podcast Directory - Podcasts with only audio episodes

NASACast: Beyond Earth Video show

NASACast: Beyond Earth VideoJoin Now to Follow

Videos on NASA's plans to expand human presence into the solar system.

By National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Golf World: Audio Podcast show

Golf World: Audio PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Golf World editor-in-chief Jaime Diaz and former PGA Championship winner and past Ryder Cup captain Paul Azinger discuss the week in golf.<img src="">

By Golf Digest

Kick Ass Fantasy Football show

Kick Ass Fantasy FootballJoin Now to Follow

Get expert advice from the Kick Ass Fantasy Football Show. We are here to help you cruise to a championship. Call in Toll Free 877-511-1024

By The Commish and The Professor

Librivox: This Side of Paradise (version 2) by Fitzgerald, F. Scott show

Librivox: This Side of Paradise (version 2) by Fitzgerald, F. ScottJoin Now to Follow

Amory Blaine grew up in a wealthy family and was given an Ivy League education. Without a need to learn a profession, he chiefly dabbled in literature and partying. His school chums were of similar background, and the ideas they reflected to each other grew in their minds to be of the greatest importance. Amory began to think of himself as somewhat of a character in a Rupert Brooke poem (from which the book's title is taken). World War I intervened in this happy fog and brought focus to some, doubt to others. In the rapidly changing technology of the war era, the financial underpinnings of the Blaine fortune began to fall apart. The deaths of Amory's parents left the finances without a rudder and as Amory's situation deteriorated he came to realize he had only his interest in literature to fall back upon. Meanwhile, a series of young women traipsed through his life, attracted to his handsome face and bright wit like moths to a candle. But Amory could never master the role of being a real person... and, one by one, they traipsed out. This Side of Paradise was F. Scott Fitzgerald's first novel and was one of the nation's most popular books in the year it was published. It has some definite parallels with Fitzgerald's own life, and is in some ways an autobiography. Summary by Mark F. Smith)

By LibriVox

Timaeus by PLATO (Πλάτων) show

Timaeus by PLATO (Πλάτων)Join Now to Follow

<p>"Our intention is, that Timaeus, who is the most of an astronomer amongst us, and has made the nature of the universe his special study, should speak first, beginning with the generation of the world and going down to the creation of man..."<br><br>'Timaeus' is usually regarded as one of Plato's later dialogues, and provides an account of the creation of the universe, with physical, metaphysical and ethical dimensions, which had great influence over philosophers for centuries following. It attributes the order and beauty of the universe to a benevolent demiurge - a 'craftsman' or god - fashioning the physical world after the pattern of an ideal, eternal one. <br><br>The dramatic setting of the dialogue is the day after a discussion in which Socrates has described his ideal state - as in the 'Republic'. A conversation between Socrates, Critias, Hermocrates and Timaeus, including Critias' account of Solon's journey to Egypt (where he hears the story of Atlantis), soon gives way to the monologue by Timaeus that forms the bulk of the work.<br><br>'Timaeus' is translated by Benjamin Jowett and his comprehensive introduction to and analysis of the work precedes the text itself, which he describes as "the growth of an age in which philosophy is not wholly separated from poetry and mythology". <br><br>(Summary by Philippa)</p>

By LibriVox

Iliad of Homer, The by HOMER show

Iliad of Homer, The by HOMERJoin Now to Follow

<p>"The Iliad is an epic poem in dactylic hexameters, traditionally attributed to Homer. Set in the Trojan War, the ten-year siege of Ilium, by a coalition of Greek States, it tells of the battles and events during the weeks of a quarrel between King Agamemnon and the warrior Achilles. Although the story covers only a few weeks in the final year of the war, the Iliad mentions or alludes to many of the Greek legends about the siege" (Summary from Wikipedia)</p>

By LibriVox

Paolo Mojo - Ooshcasts show

Paolo Mojo - OoshcastsJoin Now to Follow

Ooshcasts - A monthly series of exclusively available 2 hour DJ mix sets from Paolo Mojo. Each Ooshcast will feature current productions, and future remixes, special edits and a selection of the hottest tracks in Paolo's box.

By Paolo Mojo

Halloween Haunts show

Halloween HauntsJoin Now to Follow

Halloween Haunts is created to entertain and encourage listeners to step back in time and learn more about Virginia hauntings of legend and lore. The stories are designed to open the doors of perception and let one's imagination conjure up its own conclusion. From Blackbeard's ghostly tale to Shirley Plantation's haunting portrait of the past...listen, watch and learn. Stories passed from generation to generation have now manifested into well known ,intriguing legends for the whole family to enjoy !


Librivox: Critique of Pure Reason, The by Kant, Immanuel show

Librivox: Critique of Pure Reason, The by Kant, ImmanuelJoin Now to Follow

The Critique of Pure Reason, first published in 1781 with a second edition in 1787, has been called the most influential and important philosophical text of the modern age. Kant saw the Critique of Pure Reason as an attempt to bridge the gap between rationalism (there are significant ways in which our concepts and knowledge are gained independently of sense experience) and empiricism (sense experience is the ultimate source of all our concepts and knowledge) and, in particular, to counter the radical empiricism of David Hume (our beliefs are purely the result of accumulated habits, developed in response to accumulated sense experiences). Using the methods of science, Kant demonstrates that though each mind may, indeed, create its own universe, those universes are guided by certain common laws, which are rationally discernable. (Summary by Ticktockman)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A by Joyce, James show

Librivox: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A by Joyce, JamesJoin Now to Follow

This is James Joyce's first novel, the semi-autobiographical story of a young Irish boy who struggles with family, country, and religion to become an artist and a man. (Summary by Peter Bobbe)

By LibriVox