Audio Podcast Directory - Podcasts with only audio episodes

Librivox: Anne of Avonlea by Montgomery, Lucy Maud show

Librivox: Anne of Avonlea by Montgomery, Lucy MaudJoin Now to Follow

Following Anne of Green Gables, the book covers the second chapter in the life of Anne Shirley. Anne of Avonlea follows Anne from the age of 16 to 18, during the two years that she teaches at Avonlea school. It includes many of the characters from Anne of Green Gables, as well new ones like Mr Harrison, Miss Lavendar Lewis, Paul Irving, and the twins Dora and Davy. (Summary from

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Librivox: Return of the Native, The by Hardy, Thomas show

Librivox: Return of the Native, The by Hardy, ThomasJoin Now to Follow

Like all of Hardy's work, The Return of the Native (1878) is passionate and controversial, with themes and sympathies beyond what a good Victorian would ever admit. A modern and honest novel of chance and choice, faith and infidelities, this dark story asks what is free will and what is fate? What is the true nature of nature, and how do we fit together? Can we fit together? A tragedy set in the barren land of Edgon Heath. Our heroine, Eustacia, is proud, passionate, cruel, fickle, avaricious, and desperate. She burns every life she touches, never able to find the mad love and exotic world she dreams of. Our supposed hero, Clym, is modest, steady, plain, moral, and dutiful. He is satisfied returning from Paris to the simple comfort of home. When they come together, the Heath will come apart. Originally released as five books, in classic tragic form, a sixth, tacking on a 'happy ending', was added by editor and public pressure. (Summary by Marlo Dianne)

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Librivox: Velveteen Rabbit, The (version 2) by Williams, Margery show

Librivox: Velveteen Rabbit, The (version 2) by Williams, MargeryJoin Now to Follow

This classic story by Margery Williams, published in 1922, imparts the timeless message that toys need not be expensive or modern to be appreciated. Through giving and receiving love, even a commonplace stuffed animal can become real in the eyes of a child. This recording, read by a mother and daughter, is dedicated to Barbara Bear, who is real.

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Librivox: Life: Poem XXI A Book by Dickinson, Emily show

Librivox: Life: Poem XXI A Book by Dickinson, EmilyJoin Now to Follow

Poem XXI: "A Book", read by the wonderful podcasters at the Podcasters Across Borders 2006 conference, in Kingston, Ontario, June 23-24, 2006. We didn't get all the podcasters so if you'd like to add your voice, send us an email!

By LibriVox

Librivox: Slant Book, The by Newell, Peter show

Librivox: Slant Book, The by Newell, PeterJoin Now to Follow

This recording of Peter Newell’s The Slant Book (1910) kicks off voiced renderings by LibriVox of public domain books in the International Children's Digital Library (ICDL). The ICDL book can be found at: . The Slant Book is literally the shape of a parallelogram, with the spine of the book running down one side. When opened, facing pages form a "V" shape. All the pictures on the slanted recto pages show a way-too-precocious infant in a carriage [the "go-cart" of yesteryear] racing downhill who has somehow gotten away from his nanny, gleefully creating havoc all along the way! The facing verso pages contain two stanzas of commentary on the charming --if alarming!-- illustrations. This book pioneered the "special format" children's literature of today, such as pop-up books or cutout books like Eric Carle's The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Newell books from 80 years ago have been reprinted, since Newell has undergone a resurgence in popularity much as Dr. Seuss's books did during the 1980s. This is a boon for teachers and home-schooling parents, since this recording can now be listened to as youngsters page through a real book (ISBN: 080-480-5326) or as they view the ICDL scanned version online (both are a real treat)! (Summary by Denny Sayers)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Sky Island by Baum, L. Frank show

Librivox: Sky Island by Baum, L. FrankJoin Now to Follow

Sky Island (1912) was the second of three titles written by Baum featuring a spunky girl from California, Trot, and her companion, the old sailorman, Cap’n Bill. Baum had hoped to end the Oz series in 1910 and the following year he introduced Trot and Cap’n Bill in The Sea Fairies. In Sky Island, they journey to an island in the sky by means of an enchanted umbrella belonging to Button Bright, a character who first appeared in The Road to Oz (1909). The trio is then captured by the Boolaroo of the Blues, a monarch who is both comical and dangerous, escape to the country of the “Pinks”, and eventually regain the magic umbrella and return back to earth. This is one of Baum’s best fantasy books and contains enough not-so-veiled commentary on race and politics to interest adults as well. However, it (and The Sea Fairies) did not sell as well as the Oz books and Baum resumed writing them in 1913. He subsequently brought Trot and Cap’n Bill to Oz in 1915 in The Scarecrow of Oz. (Summary by Judy Bieber)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Invisible Man, The by Wells, H. G. show

Librivox: Invisible Man, The by Wells, H. G.Join Now to Follow

The Invisible Man (1897) is one of the most famous science fiction novels of all time. Written by H.G. Wells (1866-1946), it tells the story of a scientist who discovers the secret of invisibility and uses it on himself. The story begins as the Invisible Man, with a bandaged face and a heavy coat and gloves, takes a train to lodge in a country inn whilst he tries to discover the antidote and make himself visible again. The book inspired several films and is notable for its vivid descriptions of the invisible man--no mean feat, given that you can't see him!

By LibriVox

Librivox: Rocket Book, The by Newell, Peter show

Librivox: Rocket Book, The by Newell, PeterJoin Now to Follow

The Rocket Book can be listened to while viewing a beautiful facscimile edition at the International Children's Digital Libarary (ICDL): The Rocket Book begins when the son of a building superintendent sets a match to a rocket he discovered in the basement. Suddenly, the rocket blasts its way up through apartment after apartment in a high-rise, disrupting and transforming the humdrum goings-on of twenty families till it is finally stopped cold by something in the attic. An elliptical hole is punched in each of the book's pages and illustrations to signify where the rocket passed through every apartment! As in all of Newell's books, the verse on the verso-page provides commentary on the recto-page illustration. This book and Newell’s The Slant Book pioneered the “special format” children’s literature of today, such as pop-up books or cutout books like Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Newell’s books from 80 years ago have been reprinted, since Newell has undergone a resurgence in popularity much as Dr. Seuss’s books did during the 1980s. This is a boon for teachers and home-schooling parents, since this recording can now be listened to as youngsters page through a real book (ISBN: 0-8048-0505-9) or as they view the ICDL scanned version online (both are a real treat)! (Summary by Denny Sayers)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Max und Moritz by Busch, Wilhelm show

Librivox: Max und Moritz by Busch, WilhelmJoin Now to Follow

Max und Moritz - Eine Bubengeschichte in sieben Streichen (Erstveröffentlichung 4. April 1865) ist das wohl bekannteste Werk von Wilhelm Busch. Das Werk wird oft als Vorläufer der modernen Comics bezeichnet da die zahlreichen, von Busch selbst gezeichneten Bilder, in so enger Beziehung zu dem Text stehen. In Paarreimen erzählt die Geschichte von den bösartigen Streichen der zwei Buben Max und Moritz, deren Streiche sich hauptsächlich gegen Respektspersonen der damaligen Gesellschaft richten. Diese Geschichte ist für ein sehr junges sowohl als auch für ein Erwachsenes Publikum geeignet. Viele werden sich an diese Geschichte aus ihrer Kindheit liebevoll erinnern. (Zusammenfassung von Mikki)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Light Princess, The by MacDonald, George show

Librivox: Light Princess, The by MacDonald, GeorgeJoin Now to Follow

Plenty of princesses have been cursed by wicked witches, but the curse placed on this princess by her evil aunt is an unusual one: it removes all the princess's gravity. What can break the curse before the princess floats away? Perhaps the best thing for her would be to fall in love, but how a person with no gravity can fall in anything is just the problem. (summary by LauraFox)

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