The Amateur Christian Podcast show

The Amateur Christian Podcast

Summary: Welcome to The Amateur Christian Podcast where normal, everyday Christians who have no idea what they’re doing are thankful for a God who does. We’ll talk about culture, theology, history, news, and current events, and try to figure out how to navigate them all as unpolished Jesus-followers in a broken world. New episodes every other Tuesday.

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  • Artist: The Amateur Christian Podcast
  • Copyright: © 2024 Redeemer Bible Church


 How Should We Vote? | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 2042

One week away from Election Day, how should we vote? No, not who should we vote for... but how should we think through and prepare to cast our ballot on November 3rd?We as Bible-believing, followers of Jesus have a responsibility to steward our resources and decisions well. So whether you decide to vote or not vote, vote Republican or Democrat or other, may you place your vote with a conviction that God will be honored by your decision, with a desire to promote unity in the body of Christ, and with a firm hope that no matter the outcome, He is still on the throne.

 Christians and The Social Dilemma | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 1849

After watching the popular Netflix documentary, The Social Dilemma, how should we as Christians engage with social media and the ways that technology can often become addictive and destructive? We live in a culture that is constantly bombarded by notifications, social media posts, news stories (real or fake), and pressures to be constantly connected. How are we to glorify God through all the noise?

 Should We Keep The Sabbath? (REBROADCAST) | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 2944

This week, we decided to rebroadcast a past episode on the Sabbath in light of our current sermon series through Genesis and how we see the God of creation set the precedent for work and rest.How can we pursue worshipful rest in our lives and celebrate the good gift of rest that the Lord has given us? Let's be a people who work hard for the glory of God and rest and renew our souls to the glory of God!

 Christians and Politics | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 4386

Religion and politics, everyone's favorite topics.We often try to separate these two things, but it is important for Christians to engage with politics in a way that is honoring to God. So how do we do that? How do we engage in conversations about government, how do we know what to believe about different candidates and parties, and how do we keep from making politics an idol in our lives?Let's talk about it! Let us know any other questions/comments you may have at this link:

 QUICKHITTER: Talking About Talking About Politics | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 641

A quick teaser for upcoming episodes of the podcast on politics. If you have any questions or ideas for us to talk through in these episodes, let us know at this link: tuned for TWO episodes on Christianity and politics coming in the next few weeks!

 A Few of Our Favorite Things... | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 2623

A list of some of our favorite things, what we are reading, watching, listening to, eating, and more. God has given us good gifts of things to enjoy!Have something you want us to talk about? Let us know at this link:

 God Just Wants Us To Be Nice... Right? | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 2008

In this episode, we talk about the growing thought process of Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. The idea that: Moralistic - God wants us to behave Therapeutic - Life is all about being happy Deism - There is a God, but He isn’t personally involved in the everyday lives of people.On the surface, some of these things sound good. But it can be very dangerous when it sneaks into the way we view God and live our lives.

 Hamilton and the Power of Music | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 2409

Music is everywhere! In every store, in every movie or show, it's taught us about Alexander Hamilton, even elevators have their own music.God gave us music as a gift and He makes it pretty clear through scripture that we are to sing, play instruments, and make joyful noises to the glory of Him. Let's talk about the power of music.

 Christians Should Live Different Than Others, Especially Now | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 2205

It seems like darkness, hatred, injustice, sadness, and pain is all around us. Everywhere you look, every time you scroll through social media, every time you turn on the news, you're confronted with another death, another criminal act, another argument.So how should Christians live through all of this? How are we called to respond? We are called to live differently from the world, but what does that look like? Let's start the conversation and seek to love God and love others together.

 Where We've Been and Where We're Going | File Type: audio/mp3 | Duration: 1262

Woah... these last few months have been crazy. So much has happened and it's hard to even summarize where we've been. But we are committed to relaunching The Amateur Christian Podcast to navigate this broken world together as followers of Jesus who have no idea what we are doing, but are thankful for a God who does.

 How Should Christians Handle the Coronavirus? | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1819

The world has seemingly come to a halt in response to COVID-19, the Coronavirus. Events canceled, travel bans placed, economic chaos as stocks plummet and businesses lose customers and traffic. Things seem pretty scary.But what should the Christian's response be to all of this? How do we guard against fear and worry and love people through it all?If you have any questions or feedback let us know at the following link:

 THE CHURCH - Witness with Gospel Urgency | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2133

When we come to faith in Christ, He reconciles us to God. We know the joy of being a new creation reconciled to our holy creator. But then God does something awesomely outlandish. He entrusts to us the ministry of reconciliation and of telling others that they too can be reconciled to God through Christ!So how do we join in on this ministry we've been given from the Lord in sharing the Gospel with others?This is the last episode in this series of conversations about what we are called to be as the Church. We hope this has been helpful and encouraging to you!Like always, if you have any questions or feedback let us know at the link:

 THE CHURCH - Let's Get To Work | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1525

Disciples of Jesus work for Jesus. What do we mean by this? It means all of us have been gifted by the Holy Spirit to serve the body of Christ in love. If we are in Christ, we have gifts from Christ to serve the body of Christ. For any of us to not use our gifts in love will mean the family will suffer. But what does it look like for us to use these gifts and serve others?Tune in each Tuesday over the next 2 weeks as we have a conversation about what we are called to be as the Church!Like always, if you have any questions or feedback let us know at the link:

 THE CHURCH - Walk By The Spirit | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 2452

Over and over again in scripture, we find walking to be the picture used for the Christian life. We are told to “walk not as unwise but as wise.” We are told to “walk with the Lord.” We are told to “walk by the Spirit.”But what does it look like to walk by the Spirit?Tune in each Tuesday over the next 3 weeks as we have a conversation about what we are called to be as the Church!Like always, if you have any questions or feedback let us know at the link:

 THE CHURCH - Worship | File Type: audio/x-m4a | Duration: 1885

We're in the midst of a series about the church and we've gotten to a point where we're talking about what followers of Jesus do-- Worship. Walk. Work. Witness. This week we dive deeper with a discussion about worship- Whole life worship and also the worship that happens during the gathering on Sunday. Tune in each Tuesday over the next 4 weeks as we have a conversation about all these things!Like always, if you have any questions or feedback let us know at the link:


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