The Business Life & Joy Podcast with Shunta Grant: Online Business | Joyful Living Podcast show

The Business Life & Joy Podcast with Shunta Grant: Online Business | Joyful Living Podcast

Summary: Shunta Grant from the Business, Life & Joy podcast teaches and shares her knowledge, experience and expertise as an online business owner, creative entrepreneur, products based business owner and maker. With a dedication to teaching you how to live a life of harmony, where both your business and life are filled with joy, Shunta emphasizes setting your business goals around your life goals. When it comes to business, you will learn how to first build a solid foundation to assure that your business stands the test of time-- understanding the who, what, when, where, why and how of business. Topics will vary from, understanding your target audience, marketing, branding, list building, goal setting that actually results in accomplishing things within your business, getting organized, planning and mapping your day, optimizing your "to do" list, how to determine which online platform is best for you, product pricing, developing a positive mindset, the importance of positive affirmations in your business and life, conquering fear and self-doubt, using social media with integrity and sustainability, creating and implementing systems in your business to save you time, creating customer value, when and what to automate in your business, prioritizing and much more. If you want to build or grow an online business without fear, self-doubt, comparison, or a "hustle around the clock" mindset, the Business, Life & Joy podcast is a perfect fit for you! Shunta teaches and encourages you to build a business that fits your life, define success for yourself and gives you permission to make adjustments in your business and life as the seasons in your life change. Ready to build a sustainable business with honesty, integrity and joy? You're in the right place! Welcome to the Business, Life & Joy podcast.

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  • Artist: Shunta Grant: Creative Entrepreneur, Maker, Business Mentor, Business Strategist and Online Entrepreneur
  • Copyright: Shunta Grant


 BL&J 160: How to Get Clear on What You Want | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:02

One the most important things that you can spend time doing is getting clear on what you want. Getting clear on what you want is the foundational ground that your life stands upon. It's how you know what you will invest your time in every single day and it is a huge part of how you live your life. Today I am helping you get clear on what you want with three steps and providing you with a free download to help you work through the process. Learn more and get started inside of today's episode! Show notes and

 BL&J 159: Truth in the Midst of the Noise (Part 1)- Stop calling it "uncertain times" | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:35

Truth stands the test of time. Fundamental truths are those things that were true yesterday, today and tomorrow. And when things happen in life that seem to shake you, disrupt your norm, I believe that grounding yourself in truth is the key to remaining unshaken. This week I am offering you truth in the midst of the noise starting with this one truth: life is uncertain. BUT, there is so much hope in knowing that. Listen, if you are in need of truth, a balm, or just to hear good things today. Show notes and

 BL&J 158: The Fallacy of Motivation | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:44

Over the last six years in business one of the MOST frequently asked questions that I have received is "how do I stay motivated when..." Today, I am answering by explaining the truth about motivation, it's one and only source and how to find, get, stay and keep motivation in your life. Are you ready to learn the mistake you've likely been making when it comes to motivation? Listen to hear all about it! Show notes and all related links can be found at If you enjoyed this week's episode

 BL&J 157: Six Years in and my one message to you is this... | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:25

Last month I celebrated six years in business, April 25th is the anniversary of my very first sell on Instagram. Although, on that date I had no plan to begin a business, it was the start of Because of Zoe and has led to so much more in the years that followed. As I look back over those six years, this anniversary I had one message for you. One thing I wanted to share and relay to you. Listen to find out what that simple message is! Show notes and all related links can be found at

 BL&J 156: A Review of Quarter 1 2020 | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 31:24

This week I am sharing what's been going on here during the first quarter of 2020. It seemed to have flown by for us as we introduced a brand new product, the Best Today™ Guide ( and a brand new arm of our company, the Best Today™ Brand (! With so much excitement I thought I'd sit down and just chat about what the first quarter was like, what we worked on behind closed doors and in front of open doors and what we have going on right now just for you! I also sh

 BL&J 155: How to Be Okay with Someone NOT liking or wanting what you offer | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:59

This week on the podcast I am answering a listener question: "How do you learn to be okay when someone doesn't like or want what you have to offer?" If you've ever pondered this question or struggled with what to do when faced with criticism or rejection, this episode is for you. Share it with a friend who you know could use this lesson as well. Referenced links and more from this week's episode are waiting for you at If you enjoyed this week's episode, you are going to love the Bes

 BL&J 154: How's that Working out for You? Tapping Into Your Power to Change | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 17:38

This week on the podcast I am talking about your greatest natural "super" power. It is the thing that has changed the trajectory of my life and has the power to do the same for you. Wanna know what it is? It's your power to change. Listen in as I share what this power is, how you can tap into it and why it's so vital. I'll also share the reasons why you may resist the power to change so that you can identify those reasons and move forward. Relevant links referenced in this week's episode can be found

 BL&J 153: These Four Unsuspecting Things Are Robbing You of Your Time And You Don't Even Notice It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 41:38

This week on the Business Life & Joy podcast I am sharing four unsuspecting things that are robbing you of your time so that you can turn things around. To help you, I've created a free download that you can download at Your time is your most limited resource. This episode will show you four ways that you can reclaim your time and start making progress on the journey to the OTHER side of busy. Visit for show notes and related links and remember to download t

 BL&J 152: Why Today matters more than Tomorrow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 08:34

This week's episode is short and right to the point. I'm talking about the one very important thing you most likely overlook as you go about your life and why today is more important than tomorrow. Show notes with referenced links are available at Psst. Did you hear the news? Our brand new product is finally revealed! Learn more at

 BL&J 151: I Found a Lump In My Breast But Here's What Didn't Enter My Mind | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 19:12

This week on the podcast I'm sharing my story. I'm sharing what happened after finding a lump in my breast earlier this year and the lesson it taught me (it's not what you likely think) and why it made me think more about you than myself. In this week's episode, I leave you with a very important question. Listen to find out what it is. Shownotes for this week's episode are at Remember to tag me on Instagram to let me know that you're listening! Psst. Did you hear the news? Our bran

 BL&J 150: Introducing the Best Today™ Guide | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:50

Today may be the most exciting week of my entire six years in business. Today our brand new physical product the Best Today™ Guide is open for pre-orders and I am more excited than Jessie Spano (if you're under the age of 30 you may not get that reference. Youtube It). Introducing the Best Today™ Guide a product created to help women get clear on what they want and provide a simple three-step process to guide women toward their vision for the future one "today" at a time. The Best Today™ Guide opens f

 BL&J 149: Answering Your Questions about Goals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 34:53

You submitted over 100 questions all about goals and this week I am answering the most frequently asked questions about GOALS. This episode is a must-listen for anyone who wants to accomplish anything in life. This is an episode to listen to with pen and paper, so grab yours and let's get started. The show notes for today include all of the links referenced in the episode, you can review the show notes at And make sure that you're on the list because this week we are revealing our bra

 BL&J 148: How to avoid Being Overtaken and Consumed by the Emotional Roller Coaster of Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 24:55

Being a business owner or leader comes with an automatic ticket to a roller coaster ride filled with ups, downs, loops, sharp turns and unexpected drops that make your stomach drop. That is inevitable and comes with the territory. But what does NOT have to come with the territory is you allowing your emotions to be jerked around along with the ride. Today I am sharing the ONE thing that I do that allows me to ride the business roller coaster without inviting in doubt, fear, comparison and the many other em

 BL&J 147: One thing that will change the way you live out each day | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:20

This week's episode is dedicated to challenge number four, "The Night Before" challenge (if you've missed the previous challenges you can find challenge one here, two here and three here). Each challenge is designed to help you become proactive and intentional with your time so that you can live a life of intentionality on the other side of busy. This week's challenge is to incorporate one small habit that will transform your days-- plan each day the night before, even on weekends. Listen to the episode for

 BL&J 146: One Email Hack that Will Give You Your Time Back +Help You Get out of the (in)Box | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 23:04

This week we continue our set of four challenges with challenge number three. Each challenge is designed to help you become proactive and intentional with your time so that you can live a life of intentionality on the other side of busy. This week's challenge is to get out of your inbox by editing the number of email subscriptions you have. You'll learn how to get subscription emails down to zero each day by decreasing your overall number of subscriptions. Listen to the episode for details and join the chal


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