Coffee Break For Your Soul with Bonnie Gray show

Coffee Break For Your Soul with Bonnie Gray

Summary: Life is a journey and Bonnie Gray, author & speaker, has a way of sparking soul-to-soul conversations and stories to caffeinate a life of faith. A podcast for people who care about nurturing the soul, exploring creativity, being real and experiencing faith rather than simply talking about it. Brewing encouragement for your soul and your journey.

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 Breathe. Letting Go of Control (Guest: Jennifer Dukes Lee) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:32

Do you ever say, "I'm fine," but your body says, "I'm stressed!"? We all want to feel our best, at peace, but do you find you're busy, gripped by stress? Give yourself permission to invest in your heart by letting go of what God never meant you to carry. Grab a cup of coffee as I chat with my friend Jennifer Dukes Lee, author of "It's All Under Control", about the importance of learning how to breathe again, in our heart and our schedules. TOIPCS I talk about with guest: Jennifer Dukes Lee: ✨ Getting off the battlefield of busy to feel your feelings & shed insecurities ✨ How to break overthinking about worries & be more present ✨ Letting go of what stresses you out & hanging onto what helps you shine ✨ Learn the freeing practice of: Do, Delegate, Dismiss to de-stress ✨What is the “Exhale of God” - and how it helps us to feel peace!

 Confide. The Gift of Vulnerability (Guest: Tasha M Scott) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:32

C.S. Lewis said, "To love is to be vulnerable.", but how do you create vulnerability and how do you create space in your schedule and in your relationships with friends and with God – so that you can not only love, but feel loved and be loved? So you can experience intimacy with God and in our relationships?

 Yes. Letting Go of Anxiety. Step Into Your Passion. (Guest: Bethany Beck) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:32

As you see what others have to offer, you may feel tempted to put your hopes and dreams back in your pocket – and close the door to who you really are. Don't listen to those critical voices. Listen to what Jesus has to whisper to your heart. How do you stay inspired when you feel paralyzed by anxiety and afraid of the unknowns? If you have a passion you care so much about, you'll love this episode!

 You're Worth Taking Care Of (Soul Care Guest: Amanda Bauer) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:33:32

As women, we all need permission to fill our tanks and prioritize our wellbeing, right? Learn how to combat the stress of constantly comparing yourself to who you wish you were or what others want you to be. Take better care of yourself, so you can find your spark again with God!

 Advent: Spark Joy & Free Your Heart to Do What Makes You Come Alive with God | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:59:52

Maya Angelou said, "A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer; it sings because it has a song." Do you find it hard to choose joy & make time to explore what makes you come alive? Today's Brew: Combat the inner critical voices & learn NEW ways to experience joy with Jesus! TOPICS include: – Why it’s not selfish to choose joy but radically holy to God – Combat feelings of guilt or fear of wasting time on what gives you joy – The Importance of Choosing the Little Things That Make You Come Alive Instead of Doing the Thousand Things You May Be Good at But Don’t Love – Giving Yourself Permission to Explore What Gives You Joy: The Power of Curiosity – Soul Care Tip: The Science behind the Joy of Conversation – Soul Care Tip: The power of Color & Art to Lift Your Mood & Spark Joy I also share a *very* personal story & update on what I learned this week as the beloved:

 Advent: Spark Peace & Blossom with God's Peace (Guest Emily Freeman) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:35:41

Henri Nouwen shares "Underneath all the very noisy voices is a still, small voice that says, 'You are my Beloved." How do you let go of your grip so you can blossom & say yes to God’s peace? Today's Brew: What is the Anxiety of Avoidance, how to overcome it & a talk with bestselling author Emily Freeman of "Simply Tuesday". TOPICS include: - Small moment living - Be kinder with yourself - Overcome the fear of being left behind - Pay attention to God in an ordinary day - The Power of Making Soup to Free Your Soul - Taking Breaks When You Hit the Wall

 Advent: Spark Hope & Sing Your Song Instead of Letting Stress Steal Your Spark (Guest Kristen Welch) | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 01:24:44

Billie Holiday said, "If I'm going to sing like someone else, then I don't need to sing at all." Mary broke into song after news of Jesus' birth too! How can you sing your song, instead of stress stealing your spark? **This special Advent Podcast** inspires your soul with bestselling author Kristen Welch(We Are That Family, "Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World"): 1) Slow Down & Break the Cycle of Busy to spark God's HOPE 2) Combat discouragement whenever you feel "It's too late!" 3) How to stay inspired, rather than let stress steal your spark 4) Learn the power of "the secret chocolate stash" and how to capture the moments that mean the most to your heart 5)Nurture gratitude in the heart of your child by nurturing your own heart from a place of honesty and vulnerability Plus, I share what I learned this week to live & build the life of the beloved! TOPICS INCLUDE: Letting grace rule your home more than rules or an agenda. Raising a grateful kids or leading an intentional home isn’t not a list do or don’ts or a checklist to do we have to complete. It’s through prayer asking for God for wisdom and guidance. Its’ grace. Learn the power of saying, “I’m sorry. This is hard for me too. Will you forgive me. Let’s figure this out together." Rather than doing the right thing, do the holy thing. Parenting from a place of honesty and vulnerability.

 A Meaningful Life: What Makes You Come Alive? Taking God's Hand Instead of a Plan | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:55:58

Thoreau said, "I went to the woods to live deliberately." This episode explores what does it a meaningful life look like in your life and how you can find the answers with God in a personal way. Topics include: What makes you come alive? Why it's difficult to nurture yourself? What are Lighthouse Questions For Your Soul? Bonnie also answers reader Questions: How do I know if an idea I have is God's or my own? What if I draw boundaries to create my own holiday traditions and it causes conflict with my family of origin?

 Ep2. Why Small Things Matter: Creating Space For a Better Life with Claire Diaz-Ortiz | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:37:52

We all want to climb mountains in our lives, but what if the life we were meant to experience is found in the small things? Claire Diaz-Ortiz -- the woman who got the Pope on Twitter -- author, speaker and Manager of Social Innovation at Twitter talks with Bonnie Gray about the journey to experience life rather than survive it. If you're tired of living life on the hamster wheel, this podcast is for you: *Why we sometimes don't need to climb a mountain -- and why creating space to hear God best allows him change us instead. * Why things on your To-Do List won't lead to a better life, but the small things will. * Why anxiety keeps us up at night, our childhood patterns of dealing with stress -- how we can practice better self care. * The importance of play for us as adults & how to create space for it. * The power of 3 Good Things and how they help you nurture a good day. * Drawing boundaries on technology and social media to enjoy the moments that really matter. The end of the year is a great time to take stock of where our time and energies have gone -- and reflect on what really matters. This podcast is a wonderful prompt to have that soulful conversation with your yourself, your friends and with God. This is one to pass onto your friends. Enjoy! For more, visit Claire Ortiz-Diaz at Share your comments about today's podcast with Bonnie at: - - - facebook, instagram, twitter: thebonniegray

 Ep.1 - Experience a More Soulful Christmas with Kathi Lipp | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:32:24

At the blink of an eye, we're stepping into the chaos and hope of Christmas season. Today's lively and soulful podcast with speaker and author Kathi Lipp sparks a soul-to-soul conversation about: - letting go of "expectations, the crusher of hope" - creating experiences that feed your soul rather than feed into your stress - interesting thoughts on why it's important to linger and be intentional about hope - why people can't be put on a list - how to experience a more soulful Christmas with friends and the gift of listening we can give to each other.


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