Unexplained : True Tales of Unexplained Mysteries with Bestselling Author Steph Young show

Unexplained : True Tales of Unexplained Mysteries with Bestselling Author Steph Young

Summary: Do you love cryptic & intriguing true tales of Unexplained Mysteries? Join bestselling author Steph Young for some truly mysterious cases & the cast of characters who star in them. Each episode looks at baffling creepy mysteries, and the clues & riddles left behind. Strange disappearances, weird encounters, no easy answers... Bestselling Author Steph Young has appeared on national radio & podcasts talking about the many strange & mysteries she writes about in her books. Baffling cases, cryptic clues, and the Unexplained Mysteries behind them.


 Adventures in the Afterlife: When the dead speak | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:18

Adventures in the Afterlife: When the dead speak

 The Story of the Harlequin Part 2: A Chronicle of Sinister Encounters, Unknown Visitors, and corresponding Occult Unexplained Mysteries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:04

We are getting closer now… we are coming through the walls…

 The Harlequin – A chronicle of Sinister Encounters, Unknown Visitors, and corresponding Occult Unexplained Mysteries | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 33:41

‘In 1981 I would begin to experience visitations by the Harlequin that would haunt me for years to come.  It would often enter my room in the dead of night and communicate to me without words.  I was never awakened by it, I always seemed to be spontaneously engaged in the communication and spontaneously wide-awake. In other words, there was never a beginning to any of these memories, just an “all-of-a-sudden.” During these early visitations, the Harlequin communicated through a series of movements that I was intuitively able to understand naturally with my young mind.  This was sort of the opposite of an interpretive dance.  Its body was very lithe and its movements extraordinarily graceful.  Not even the best dancers on earth could replicate these types of movements.  The Harlequin’s body would stretch and contort in ways that would cause bones to break and muscles to tear.  I struggle to remember its clothing but remember them being motley in appearance.  There were strange hats and clothes that couldn’t be fit into a specific period of history.  The communications, from what I remember, always took the form of intuitive concepts.  In alien abduction lore, this might be similar to telepathic communication. Now the gender of the Harlequin had always vexed me.  In my early childhood experiences, it was unmistakably androgyne.   I viewed it either as a male or female being.  Its face, nevertheless, had an ancient appearance.  Its skin was pale white and sometimes appeared to be blue.  On closer examination, the skin had subtle cracking as if I were looking at an old statue that had suddenly come alive.  Its eyes were large and blue and their movement was always dramatic as if it were trying to be comedic.  The movement of the eyes could best be described as mime-like in that they were expressive to make up for the lack of verbal communication.  When it looked at me, I felt like I had absolute attention on me.  This attention was so prominent that I could feel the Harlequin’s attention as if it were my own.  To clarify that, I was able to see these encounters as if I was slightly outside the body looking in.  The most memorable physical feature were its hands.  The hands looked similar to my mother’s hands.  It had thin fingers and somewhat bulbous knuckles on the finger joints. It perhaps sounds strange, but the hands had the appearance of ancient wisdom.  It was like I was looking at the hands of a sage or individual of great knowledge. The sight of its hands always made me feel comforted as though the Harlequin had a familial relation to me.  I often linked the Harlequin to my mother because she more than anyone else seemed to sense its presence.  The beings mouth was always open in the shape of an “O.”  It never moved which solidified my belief that its face looked like a living statue.  That characteristic always gave the Harlequin a look of shock and bewilderment which seemed to increase the intensity of its presence.  The mouth being open in that manner made it seem as if it was trapped in a state perpetual horror…’

 John Logi Baird & his contact with The Other Side – the bloody razor blade thumbprint of the ghost | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 12:02

Scotsman John Logie Baird, born in 1888, and known as the inventor of the television, recorded an interesting incident in his memoirs … ‘I was staying in a small hotel. One day, a bent up elderly man appeared in the board room. He was a professor and a distinguished entomologist and he had a very strange story to tell…’

 Is our mind soul & spirit located outside of our bodies? Compelling Near-death experiences. | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 30:08

Is our mind soul & spirit located outside of our bodies? Compelling Near-death experiences.

 Creepy caller stories from Jim Harold’s Campfire, including the Black Eyed Kids! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 1:04:16

Creepy caller stories from Jim Harold’s Campfire, including the Black Eyed Kids!

 The “Predator” & Supernatural Abductions – People taken from the Woods, Underground Bases & Missing time | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:29

A few years ago, Dr. Coral Hull contacted me to say, that having read my books, she would like to offer me permission to write about her story and her insights into the cases and causes of missing people.  “In 2003, I suddenly became very ill, with chronic fatigue syndrome, which left me bedridden. I was diagnosed with Autism. I was experiencing RSPK – Recurring spontaneous psychokinesis. I had suspected for a long time that the phenomenon was coming from an outside source – and a two-way communication was established between them and myself in 2004, through telepathy and channelling. Being into New Age philosophy and a shamanic pagan, I referred to this source as ‘angelic beings and guides,’ but this MK Ultra was designed and maintained by “The Dragon.” Coral’s story is strange, frightening and very curious.  “After being saved in 2009, I was to gradually discover I had been raised and groomed by a spiritual non-human entity, a Fallen Angel, leviathan, serpent, part of Satan’s hierarchy, who had demons under his command. I refer to him as ‘The Dragon.’ Selected children, or chosen ones are repeatedly tested and programmed throughout childhood, to ascertain the best way they can be utilized. Unbeknownst to me, my purpose became to promote an anti-Christian agenda through arts and poetry. This was all controlled and monitored by my spiritual handler. As an infant, I was subjected to MK Ultra Monarch programming – including Alpha, Beta, Theta, Omega, Gamma and Marrionette (Doll) Programming. A number of ‘selves’ were created to cope with and to potentially fulfil this programming. My situation was different to the ‘super-soldier’ programs or children who suffer SRA – Satanic Ritual Abuse at the hands of human beings, since my handler and minders were inter-dimensional non-human entities – Fallen Angels and demons with The Dragon impersonating the spirit of God. Under The Dragon, I am probably best known as a published poet, writer and director of the Thylazine Foundation. She has a BA, MA, and a Doctorate of Creative Arts. She has been published by Penguin Books and won prizes for her poetry. She had the world at her feet, but “After failing to pass a series of ‘tests,’ my career was terminated.” The tests were set by the spiritual ‘powers that be;’ her handler, the Fallen Angel; The Dragon. “The Dragon then appears to have gained permission to use me as a personal plaything, referring to me as his ‘pet Doll.’ During these enchanted years, I went away on a supernatural adventure.” At the time, I had no idea I was in communication with The Dragon and his demons. From 1999 – 2009, are periods of time that I cannot be fully accounted for. The supernatural phenomenon increased and during this time, a number of deaths occurred in my family and several acquaintances. Grief stricken and needing answers, I became increasingly involved in mediumship and the occult.’ After becoming more involved and immersed in the esoteric world of spirit channelling and mediumship and the occult arts, The Dragon made his presence felt.’ She became stalked and controlled, for many years, by this inter-dimensional entity called ‘The Dragon,’ who entered both her mind, and her physical world. “He began to show me many images of women being taken or abducted, by other-worldly beings, who were in love with them. In The Dragon’s dimension or ‘The Second Heavenlies,’ he may look like a cherubic, serpent, or dragon. But in this dimension, he was a spirit, a bright orb, or a light source possessing a powerful sub-conscious in this world; physical, and operating within a 3-D reality.  I would see him as a ball of light.” Coral’s life, for years, was besieged by this Dragon, this inter-dimensional entity, and her life was infiltrated in an attempt to get her to represent them and their dark agenda – these negative entities, the Fallen Angels. “Fallen Angels; manifesting in orbs, demonic cryptids, and fake UFO’s,” she quotes from the Bible as to their motives; ‘...

 When a “Spirit Doctor” operated on me! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 18:04

New Book Release – Proof of the Afterlife – The Dead Don’t Die This book is the result of two year’s intensive study of physical mediumship, both past and present; of the ‘dead’ physically returning, of ‘spirit doctors’ curing “incurable” patients, of interviewing numerous mediums, and of joining a development circle in order to become a medium myself. To say it’s been a wild ride would be an understatement. I’ve stepped into a mysterious, compelling, addictive and utterly mind-blowing arena, where I’ve seen things I never thought possible; where I’ve communicated directly with family in the afterlife, had spirits take over my body, and felt the physical touch of spirits. I’ve heard and seen ‘dead’ people, been operated on by a “spirit doctor”, and I’ve been poked, prodded and tickled by spirit children. Of course, unless it’s personally seen, felt, and experienced, this is all understandably very hard to believe, and I’m as sceptical as the next person; perhaps even more so. I’d encourage the reader to venture into their own exploration to discover this proof, that no matter how much it defies our logical, rational mind, these things can and really do happen, as I’ve discovered for myself; that the dead don’t really die: they’re still around us, all the time. Physical mediumship may be going on across the land in small closed home circles, but they usually remain private and do not get known about these days, while in years gone-by, thousands of people would get to experience these things. With the invention of television and its multitude of channels to watch, with the internet, gaming, mobile phones; everyone is spoiled for choice when it comes to evening entertainment. In the old days, there were no televisions, no mobile phones, no internet, and often very little money too. Spiritualism was readily and enthusiastically experimented with in the comfort of people’s own homes, often for such entertainment purposes, but also because after the two World Wars, there were so many families in mourning and desperate to be reunited with their dead sons and husbands, fathers and grandfathers. Just like a family might have gathered together and played a game of cards or parlour games; many families were creating Ouija boards or attempting table-tipping, or simply sitting in the dark and waiting in hope, endeavouring to receive some kind of communication from their dead; or they would hear about a séance from neighbours or friends, and many would go to a local Spiritualist Church. These days, Spiritualist Churches still exist, though they’re far from packed nowadays, and it’s harder to find a local development circle, for most of them simply don’t exist anymore, or don’t advertise for members and are known only by word of mouth. It’s certainly no longer a past-time of families across the land anymore. At the turn of the 20th Century, the medium John Campbell Sloan would hold open seances at his house in Scotland, where he would demonstrate direct voice phenomena; where voices would be heard in the room, but they were not coming from Sloan himself. The medium Alec Harris would produce spirit materialisations – where “dead” people literally walked around the seance room and shook hands with the guests and held conversations with them. Investigators like Edward Brackett and Colonel Henry Steel Olcott would weigh materialised spirits on weighing scales, and surgeons who had died would come back to operate on patients through the hands of mediums like Isa Northage, Jessie Thomas, Tom Pilgrim, or William Lilley who carried out ‘spirit operations’ in front of crowds of witnesses, who would testify before a court to the truth of what they had seen; and there would be x-rays and hospital records to prove it. The medium Harry Edwards would hold public demonstrations, to a packed Royal Albert Hall in London with thousands watching him carry out a live healing or give highly accurate evidential messages. Steven Upton,

 ‘The Ghost Club’ of 1862: a ‘Secret Society’ of “Brother Ghosts.” | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 21:05

Reaching as far afield as Australasia, The New Zealand Herald reported on May the 23rd 1931, ‘The London Ghost Club: Dining with the dead. Secrets of 50 years! If one were in a certain Street in the West End of London on a certain evening every month, he would see between 30 and 40 prominent men – doctors, barristers, businessmen – going to a fashionable restaurant to have dinner, and to gloat over eerie and fantastic stories of ghosts. No-one who associates with these men in ordinary life ever knows what goes on in the private dining room in this restaurant on the first Wednesday of every month. The diners leave their everyday personalities outside, and for several hours abandon themselves to a psychic orgy. They call themselves The Ghost Club. For 50 years they have been in existence, and no-one has yet revealed anything of the strange and carefully guarded proceedings. They are under an oath of secrecy not to divulge what transpires at these dinners. In the quiet of this private dining room many a tale too gruesome for publication is told, and these are all taken down by the Secretary with the solemnity of a coroner presiding over his court. The rules forbid publication of the stories. They are all stored away – many volumes of them – in a house in Kensington. The rules of The Ghost Club are as such; 1. That the club be called The Ghost Club. 2. That it meet, as a rule, on the first Wednesday of such months as may from time to time be decided in accordance with general convenience, provided that the November meeting shall take place on All Soul’s Day, on whatever day of the week that may fall. 3. That it be the purpose of the Club to unite minds that are directed to the study of psychical subjects, it’s proceedings being regarded as strictly Private and confidential among its Members.’ The Ghost Club is still in existence today, though its members do not quite reach the heady heights of former members such as Charles Dickens and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The Ghost Club is the oldest para-psychological organisation in the world. It was established in 1862   but, according to the Club themselves, ‘has its roots in Cambridge University where, in 1855, fellows at Trinity College began to discuss ghosts and psychic phenomena.’ It launched officially in London in 1862, although another given date is that it was formed in 1882 by Alaric Alfred Watts and his friend William Stainton Moses. At the height of the burgeoning Spiritualist movement in the Victorian 1800’s, seances and other experiments to attempt to contact the dead had become hugely popular and it was at this time that the world’s oldest and most esteemed yet little heard of club, The Ghost Club was formed. The club had some of the most famous literary and cultural figures of the time, and several Sirs and Lords. It was an all-male club, and perhaps even termed a ‘Secret Society.’  Members call each other ‘Brother Ghost’ and on every All Soul’s Day, the names of all members, both dead and alive are read out. The Ghost Club is still going strong to this day and members never leave; technically, they can’t. After death, members are still considered to be members. By joining the Club, they would remain ghosts in the afterlife, they believed. Old members included famous World War II poets Siegfried Sassoon and W. B. Yeats, and several Nobel prize winners. Chemist Sir William Crookes was a member and he used his laboratory to test the levels of ‘psychic force’ of mediums. Ernest Wallis Budge, the curator of the Egyptian artefact rooms at the British Museum, was also a member. The archives of the hand-written notes of every meeting of The Ghost Club were first kept at the British Library, then moved to be stored at Cambridge University library.  Roger Luckhurst for Oxford University Press says, ‘The most intriguing member for me remains Thomas Douglas Murray, the society gentleman who was known to have been cursed by a mummy he purchased a coffin lid of a malignant Priestess ...

 Strange Water Deaths & the Missing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 32:19

In Columbus Ohio, Joey LaBute had been missing for almost a month. He vanished on March 5th 2017. He’d been spending the evening with a cousin, Kyle Reigle and his cousin’s wife in the Union Cafe, in the Short North part of Columbus. He left the table they were sitting at, saying that he was going to the Bar to get a drink. He never came back to the table. When he disappeared, many people in the area were instantly reminded of Brian Shaffer, who also disappeared in the same way, in the same month, but almost ten years ago. He vanished while inside a Club/Bar, just like Joey LaBute did. He even looked quite like Joey. Though both the CCTV in the Bar Joey was drinking in, and in the Club where Brian was drinking were both scrutinized, neither man was seen leaving. Joey was 26 years old and held down a responsible job at Morgan Stanley. He was a graduate of Ohio State University. On the night he disappeared, he had parked his car nearby beside some residential apartments called Thruber Gate and walked with his cousin and cousin’s wife to the Bar. Just after midnight, his cousin Kyle decided they wanted to go home, but he couldn’t find Joey. They waited for ten minutes or so, then began to text him to find out where he was. Joey didn’t answer the texts and they didn’t hear back from him. H never returned to his table. His female cousin who was also there, called him after none of them could understand where he’d got to. He answered his phone and he told her he was driving. Perhaps that’s not so strange; maybe he had a disagreement with one of them, maybe he needed some air, or some space. The thing was, after he vanished into thin air, the police found his car still parked in the same spot he’d left it in when they he’d gone to the bar. If he was driving; he wasn’t in his own car. He’d also sent a text message to a member of his family, while also apparently in a car, but the message “didn’t make any sense,” said his cousin. Later, when it became abundantly clear that their cousin had vanished, the text message was released to the media. All it said was “Jnhstioj.” Nearly a month later, his body was found in a river search. This was after the police got hold of all of the available surveillance footage from the Bar. They went through 12 hours’ worth of footage, from 14 different cameras inside the Bar. It was not the best quality but, despite scrutinizing every person seen in the recordings, they could not find the moment that Joey left the Bar. They could see people coming and going all night, but they couldn’t spot him leave. It seemed impossible, but the exact time he left and whether he left on his own, or with anyone else, could not be determined. The police had nothing to go on from this evidence. His family spoke to the media, stressing how out of character it would be for Joey to just get up and leave and not come back. He held down a responsible job, was devoted to his family, and had shown no signs to any of them that there was anything whatsoever in his personal life that could have caused him to take such drastic steps as to walk out of a Bar, leave his life behind and never come back. He had his whole life in front of him. His family created fliers and along with friends and volunteers, everyone handed them out across town, desperate for any news on where he was. They couldn’t understand his text message, they couldn’t understand why he’d said he was driving, and they couldn’t understand where he was now. In hindsight, though many would not have openly said it, the most logical explanation was that he was in someone’s car and was being taken somewhere against his will. The person, or people who were taking him, most likely told him to answer his phone when it rang, to give them the time to do what they wanted to do to him without arousing any more suspicion. They probably wanted him to let his family know he was o.k., and yet, just by the fact that he hardly spoke and then sent a strange text message,

 Missing time, Doppelgangers, and the talking racoon! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:13

When famous poet Percy Bysshe Shelley was living with writer of ‘Frankenstein,’ Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley in Italy, he was said to be bereft over the deaths of three of his children, who had died soon after their births.  One day, on June the 24th 1812, he went for a walk alone, and his wife later wrote of what happened to him in a letter to a friend. Shelley saw the figure of himself as he walked on the terrace, and it said to him, “How long do you mean to be content?” On another occasion, a friend was staying with them, Mrs. Jane Williams, who was described by Shelley’s wife as ‘a woman of sensibility’ who ‘has not much imagination and is not in the slightest degree nervous – neither in dreams or otherwise.’ Mrs Williams was standing inside the house gazing out of a window that looked out onto the terrace, when ‘she saw, as she thought, Shelley pass by the window, as he often was, without coat or jacket. He passed again, as he passed both times the same way – towards which he went there was no way to get back except past the window again, except over a wall twenty foot from the ground. She was struck at seeing him pass twice thus, and looking out and seeing him no more, she cried, “Good God, can Shelley have leapt from the wall? Where can he be gone?” She was told that Shelley was not at the villa at the time. ‘She trembled exceedingly when she heard, and it proved indeed that Shelley had never been on the terrace and was far off at the time she saw him.’ Shelley’s final encounter with his doppelganger came when he was walking alone on the beach. Again, he encountered himself. On this occasion, the doppelganger was looking at him, but his hand was pointing out to the sea. Not long after this, Shelley’s body would be found in the sea after he drowned while sailing back from Liverno in a storm in the bay of Spezia on July the 8th 1822. He was a month short of his 30th birthday. The boat had been custom built for Shelley in Genoa, but it sank. Some, including Shelley’s friend Edward John Trelawney, said Shelley lacked the seamanship skills to have undertaken this 7-hour journey with two friends, retired Navy officer Edward Ellerker Williams and boat-hand young Charles Vivien. Richard Holmes of The Guardian however says, ‘Despite what Trelawny implied, Shelley had considerable experience sailing boats, from schoolboy expeditions up the Thames, to sailing single-handed down the Arno, the Serchio, and beyond Livorno out to sea. He had successfully survived perilous incidents on the Rhine in 1814, on Lake Geneva (with Byron) in 1816, and on the Pisan Canal (with Williams) in 1821,’ however, crucially he adds, ‘It was true, however, that Shelley was a river sailor.’ Mary Shelley later claimed in her ‘Note on Poems, 1822,’ that the design of the boat had been defective, and had never been seaworthy. Says Richard Holmes, ‘Unknown to Shelley,’ his boat ‘had a fundamental design-fault. A twin-master schooner could not simply be scaled-down to a small, undecked, open boat.’ Some suggested Shelley’s sadness over his children’s deaths had led him to want to drown himself, while others suggested he had been attacked by pirates; but there were many who whispered that he been assassinated for political reasons while out to sea. Shelley’s boat was found 10 miles off shore after the storm had sunk the boat. Some suggested it had been rammed, for one side was caved in. His friend Trelawny said that William’s shirt was ‘partly drawn over the head, and he was missing one boot.’ He felt that this meant Williams had been in the act of undressing for bed when he died. Shelley’s father was a Baron in Parliament. Shelley was staunch in his own radical and outspoken anti-establishment political views. Biographer Richard Holmes says Shelley’s political interests included ‘Radical reform of the Houses of Parliament, disestablishment of the Anglican Church, formation of trade unions, universal suffrage.’ In a letter to a Mr. Leigh Hunt,

 The Mayday Mystery – Arizona’s Da Vinci Code | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:13

The Mayday Mystery – Arizona’s Da Vinci Code

 Strange Missing in the Woods Cases | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:42

https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07HRV7X8Q/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i0 https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07HRV7X8Q/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i0

 Mysterious Disappearances of Children in National Parks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 35:13

Mysterious Disappearances of Children in National Parks

 Invisible Predators in The Woods | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 37:02

Invisible Predators in The Woods, that are there but you can hardly see them, according to the accounts of people who have contacted me over the years. Well, when i say ‘invisible’ predators, sometimes they do show themselves, shimmering, shifting, approaching; and when they do, you would wish that they had not…. There’s more episodes too on Patreon ‘Steph Young Podcast,’ thank you for listening


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