The  Edge Code: Creating a Profitable Business & Inspired Life! show

The Edge Code: Creating a Profitable Business & Inspired Life!

Summary: Sharing how to embrace, package, and promote your "genius" and integrate marketing & mindset to create a profitable business and inspired life!

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  • Artist: Michele Welch
  • Copyright: Copyright 2013 Michele Welch. All rights reserved.


 The Importance of Discipline in Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:05:13

Discipline is a such a vital component of an entrepreneur's success. When I say "discipline," I talk about a set of rules that you created; that you obey.  You decided on certain rules and how the game is to be played. This applies in any area of your life. There have to be rules to be played on a consistent basis in order to acheive success.  Winging it is not going to cut it. You need to incorporate discipline day-in and day-out to move your business forward. Habits of course come into play. You want to get to the point where things become automatic much like a habit. Start small - set yourself up for success. As you build your discipline muscle, then you can incorporate more disciplines into your life and business.   Embrace Your Genius! Michele Welch Business & Lifestyle Catalyst To view the video version of this podcast, please visit my YouTube Channel: 

 How Poor Customer Service Cost This Company Thousands of Dollars! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:18

Podcast Overview Being a marketing consultant is a very interesting position to be in because a lot of it requires outsourcing projects. It involves working with teams, in-house and outside of the company you are working with. Lately I've been working with a company on a project that required their truck to get wrapped.  We had looked into a few different companies and finally settled with a local graphics company. At first meet, they seemed enthusiastic and more than capable of meeting our needs.  But soon after agreeing to work with them, I started noticing small promises being broken. At first I didn't think anything of it and overlooked it.  But as deadlines approached and we weren't getting what we were promised, a lot of frustration started to set in for myself and the company I was working with. I started wondering, how bad do these people want to succeed? Why are they willing to be mediocre at their job? Why do they have people in positions that they are clearly not qualified for? The designer I was working for had no creativity. I literally had to come up with the design concept and lead him by the hand to create the graphic. I have an eye for what I like, but I am not a graphic artist; nor do I have the desire or talent to be one. This is the reason why we hire people in areas that they excel, correct? And unfortunately, the response times of the person managing the project where poor and she seemed indifferent to all missteps that were occurring. Due to the priority of getting this project completed, we had to stick it out and make it work to get the job done. But needless to say, we will not be working with this company again. As a result, they lost the opportunity of working with us on a future project that would of yielded them tens of thousands of dollars! BIG oops! But it makes me wonder, how many companies out there do just enough to get by? I think it's a shame really. We did address our concerns with the owner and hopefully he took it to heart and will address these issues so he can move his company forward. But what about those who don't say anything and simply switch companies in the future? Or worse, they talk negatively about the company on social media, or yelp, or some other platform that allows them to vent their frustrations in a public forum. This is just one example of course. Tardiness, poor response times, and lack of enthusiasm are just of the few things I've noticed that have been lacking in much of the customer service touch points with small business owners. So have we as small business owners and entrepreneurs accepted mediocrity? Are we willing to be okay with those small broken promises? Is there a level of what's acceptable? We all make mistakes and it's our responsibility to rectify those mistakes, learn from them and not repeat them again. But to be okay with mediocre performance, especially when there's so much at stake, I don't think that's acceptable. I don't think we should accept that of our-self or others. It's time to step up our standards and look at our systems, procedures and process and look for the cracks. What's it going to take from us to improve and step up our standards? How have you been in your business? Have you been setting high standards or accepting mediocrity? What can you do today to step it up?

 If more information is not the solution, then what is? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:25

I want to talk about an issue that I've struggled with for a long time and I know many other entrepreneurs and small business owners have as well ... and that is information overload. We often have this insatiable need to consume more and more information and even will project that onto others through our processes and content; throwing tons information and options at them in hopes that they will value us more. What's really going on is that you and the people you're targeting are left feeling overwhelmed; and nothing is really getting done to address the core issues and desires. Due to my own experiences over the past several years, I've gotten crystal clear that knowing it all was not the important thing. The important thing was to take my current knowledge, skill sets, and passions and go deeper with them. The illusion is that as a business owner you need to know it all. The truth is that you need to get clear on the area - service, topic, etc. - that you thrive and go deeper with that. This is what you want to showcase on a consistent basis and want to be considered the best at. Does this mean you have to give up learning new things and stop sharing areas that you are knowledgeable of? Not necessarily. But what area or core topic can you spend 80% of your time on - that you consider to be your sweet spot? ... All else would fall into the 20% category. Let's get real. People are feeling overwhelmed daily. We (and they) simply have too many options. We don't necessarily need more options but rather more understanding. Therefore, what would you be willing to give up so you can spend 80% of your time on that area in which you truly thrive? An area you can immerse yourself into fully and master? An area where you can become the best?! Please and come and find me on or let's chat on Twitter. 

 Hoping and praying are not business methodologies | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:06

One of the things I used to say all the time and I didn't even realize - until I started to pay attention - is I hope or pray "something" would happen. After listening to mentors tell me over and over again, that nothing can done on a hope and prayer, it finally hit me a couple of years ago. Crazy how sometimes you have to hear things multiple times before you actually HEAR it! It really hit home finally that hoping and praying was not a methodology or process; hoping and praying is just that. It's the someday syndrome. There are no expectations that what you want to happen will truly happen. That why it's so important to pay attention to your words and have conviction behind your words. It's not about 'I hope' to get a client but rather, 'I can' get this client, or 'I will' get this client. It's a very different conversation don't you think? It just feels differently. Maybe that's semantics, but I know from my own experience when I say I know something will happen as oppose to 'I hope' it will happen, I'm more likely to take decisive and efficient action - coming from a place of conviction. It's about stating what it is you want to have happen in the world and taking the appropriate action. That simple! It's not about constantly being in a place of reaction but rather about being proactive. How would your life and business be different if you were proactive? ... If you caused something to happen. How would taking action to get to your prospective clients impact your business? ... Instead of waiting for them to come to you. What actions would you need to take? Who would you need to be? ... You'd have to be someone who participates in life. We focus so much on the minutia of things that we forget about what's important ... doing those things that truly matter, connects us to others, and moves us forward with clarity and conviction. Feel free to share your methodology or process below. What has been your experience? Embrace Your Genius! Michele Welch

 You can’t change your past, but you can change your story | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:17

Today I want to talk about your story. In particular how our story can get in the way of your success. We've all had experiences that were less than empowering and we took what happened or what was told us during those experiences as the truth. As a result everything we did and how we acted was in line with that truth. The truth is that there are some things we are better at than others and things other people are better at than us. It's the way of life. It doesn't mean anything other than the meaning we give it. Here's the deal. We can't change our past - the past is the past. But what we can change is our story ... in particular the meaning we give to our story. We can go back in time - mentally -  and choose to change the meaning we've added to an experience we went through. It's about seeing things from a different perspective. One of the things I recommend is the 'Writing it Down' method which I go into in this episode. It's about getting things out of your head and gaining clarity around where you may be stuck and what's the source of your dis-empowering story. For more tips & resources, please visit Embrace Your Genius™ Michele

 The Choices You Make Today Will Affect Your Tomorrow | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:39

This past couple of weeks I've been thinking a lot about my results. In particular, I wanted to hone in on what has worked for me and what hasn't. I like to do this every so often to evaluate if I am on track or not with my goals. I understand that the choices I make today will affect my future.  Put it another way, the results I see today are simply a reflection of choices I've made in the past. So if I'm not happy with my current results, then I need to begin to look at what have been my choices these past 3 months, 6 months, 2 years. In this episode I share what is the process of beginning to change any results in your life right now that have not been working for you. Key points covered: Your results are simply a product of your choices There is a gestation period to every choice you make Change your choices, change your results What you can do to begin to get different results in your business The deconstruction process to evaluating your choices For more tips and resources, please visit Michele Welch, Business & Personal Growth Catalyst Embrace Your Genius™

 One Marketing Tip That Keeps on Giving! | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:55

Today I wanted to share ONE marketing tip that I believe if you do it consistently on a daily basis will produce high returns for you in your business AND life. And I don't simply mean returns in revenue - although that's definitely a result. But also returns in an increased network of leads, customers, business associates, and advocates for your business. Key points covered: The results this marketing tip has given me What I mean by touching one person a day Different methods of direct outreach Why I took on this methodology What you can go to go deeper with current relationships Benefits of these connections Breaking down the stats Thanks for listening! For more tips and resources, please visit Michele Welch Embrace Your Genius™!

 Getting out of the funk | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:11:07

In today’s episode I talk about something not often discussed, but happens all too often to many of us – especially entrepreneurs; and that is how to get out of the funk. You know the funk right? When it seems as if everything and anything that go wrong does. When you’re feeling down and unfocused and you’re not sure why. When everything seems to agitate you and it takes every effort on your part to break into a smile. There are many reasons why this can happen. However, there’s one thing for sure – feeling the funk is an inside job. And with that knowledge you have the control and choice to either stay in it or not. Here are the key points covered: Is staying in the funk a choice? What dictates how we operate day-to-day "normally" What triggers the funk Methodologies to getting out of the funk Reasons why you may not get of the funk What I do to get out of the funk For more tips & resources, please visit

 Super Powerful Way to Create Goals | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:09:37

The end of 2014 is nearly upon us. What a perfect time to talk about goals! Traditionally when I spoke about goals, I shared the process of creating goals using the SMART criteria. SMART goals are simply goals that are: Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic (or I prefer results-driven) Timely But in this episode I share with you a very powerful and creative way to create a few select goals moving into 2015. HERE ARE THE KEY POINTS COVERED: What are SMART goals The importance of your WHY when creating goals A creative and powerful way to create new goals How our habits affect the success (or failure) of our goals The importance of effort RESOURCES: The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson Facebook / Twitter For more tips & resources, please visit

 If You Can Name It, You Can Claim It | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:41

In this episode I discuss the importance of clarity ... if you can name it, you can claim it! I share what it really means to be confused and some practices I have used to continue to fine-tune my clarity muscles. Here are the key points covered: Best definition of confusion I've heard thus far The results of confusion What clarity entails How can you begin to gain more clarity The writing to solution process Be sure to visit and sign up for your free Marketing & Mindset Resource Guide! Until next time... Michele Welch Embrace Your Genius!

 4 Things You MUST Do to Grow Your Business | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:21

In this episode I discuss the four things you must do in business - specifically in the area of client acquisition. These four steps are essential to getting leads in, converting them into clients and putting a system in place to continue to stay in touch with those leads and clients. Here are the key points covered: The lead generation process How to qualify leads Methods to convert your leads Putting a follow-up system in place Until next time ...

 The Impact of Trying versus Doing | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:08:04

In this episode I go deep into the difference between trying to do something versus doing something. Although it may seem like semantics, there's a big difference - in the conviction of your words and how you act in the world. I also get into the impact of how trying to do something versus simple doing it, or BEING the change, can have on your life and business. ERE ARE THE KEY POINTS COVERED: How trying gets you off the hook The difference between trying and doing Speaking with conviction The impact of words on your actions The gestation process Stopping 5 feet from gold Be sure to visit and sign up for your free Marketing & Mindset Resource Guide! MicheleEmbrace Your Genius! Until next time ...

 Are you a victim of the DVR Syndrome? | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:07:22

In this episode I talk about how many of us are living our life with a DVR mentality. That is, we think we have a 'pause' or 'rewind' button on life. I share with you today my belief on this mental view and the impact that it can have by continuing to operate in this way. Subscribe in iTunes Here are the key points covered: The truth about the flow of life What happens when YOU don't make choices The impact of making better choices today Reflection vs reliving a life decision Be sure to visit and sign up for your free Marketing & Mindset Resource Guide! Michele Embrace Your Genius! Until next time ...

 Do What You Can When You Can | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 00:06:54

In this episode I talk about doing what you can when you can. This is different from the idea of simply being satisfied with "good enough." I do believe you should always put your best effort forward in all that you do - and then let it go. Unfortunately many people fall into one of two extreme categories: They do just enough to get by - never striving to be remarkable They let their need to be remarkable (and need for perfection) stop them from taking action and pulling the trigger I think if you can can take a piece of content and after truthfully evaluating it, decide that it is possible someone will be a different person - even in some small way - after having consumed that content, then you've done your job. Here are the key points covered: The impact of not being in integrity What determines trust Realistic expectations and strategies to getting the biggest impact in your business Leveraging your strengths Commitment vs perfection Additional Resources  The Purple Cow by Seth Godin  Be sure to visit and get your free Marketing & Mindset Resource Guide.  Until next time ... Embrace Your Genius!

 Psst … The Secret Formula to Success | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 36:18

Alright, alright! I can't say I necessarily have the "secret formula" for success. That's because success is so subjective. What success means to me, may not necessarily hold true for you. I think the best definition of success I've heard thus far was the one stated by Earl Nightingale, Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. Just read that one more time. Soak it in. Success. Is. The. Progressive. Realization. Of. A. Worthy. Ideal. So at the end of the day, YOU determine what's a worthy ideal. And if your "worthy ideal" comes to fruition, than bingo! Be sure to visit and sign up for your free Audio and PDF and get instant clarity on what's working and not working in your life & business and immediately transform any area of your life!


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