Science And Medicine Podcasts

Dispatch in Depth show

Dispatch in DepthJoin Now to Follow

“Dispatch in Depth” is the only podcast that delves into the why and how of emergency dispatch. Each episode we will talk with a different researcher about the work they’re doing to make emergency dispatch as safe and effective as possible worldwide. “Dispatch in Depth” is the official research podcast of the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch.

By Dispatch in Depth

Super Professor's Podcast show

Super Professor's PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Super Professor AKA Clemons Kunkel. I am Proud to be Part of the resistance against peeping trump. I also have some of My Books "Keys to Unlocking the Universe" and CD called "Keys to Unlocking the Universe" on Amazon. There are also to CD's on Self Help first is "Dream Your Dreams" the second is "New Keys to Self Help" I also interview business people and high achievers that push themselves farther, because they believe they can be more, and then they go after their dreams and study and learn new skills to get them to where they want to be. Sometimes it not about the money, it about having fun and helping others to get to their goals. Darius said his mom says we all have a Voice. So I have a question for you? Have you found your Voice? It could be you are a singer like Darius or it could be you like to run marathon like Kerry. Never think that you are not someone special because I can guarantee you that you already are in someone else’s eyes. It could be your little sister or brother that see you as a hero... and they want to be just like you, because you are their HERO. Maybe your Mom or Dad are super proud of who you are. Although they never told you, but they tell all their friends. I know if you think about it you have heroes in your life that you try to follow right? Always live your dreams because someone wants to be like you, so make it a good life. I myself have four books coming out and this is just one way to market the books. If you are thinking of self-publishing a book, check out They are Awesome. They walk you through the publishing process step by step. My first book is a self-help called “Three Steps to Self Help (Dissipating Fear Anxiety And Nightmares)”. In one of my podcasts, I talk about when I was approximately 16 years old, something tragic happened to me, which change my life for the better. The whole story is in my self-help book. I also show you how to remove nightmares, I taught myself this trick when I was 12. I never have nightmares and you can also be like me. My second book which is my baby, is my science book. I talk about not one big bang but two, a merging of two universes, which make up the one universe we see today. I have over 41 points of empirical evidence to validate the theory. Things like the Great Wall, Great Attractor, MACHO, blue shift, and the Great Void are only a few of the things in space I explain in the book called “Keys to Unlocking the Universe”. My third book is a children’s books call “Galactic Keys”. Sometimes science is just too boring, so I am tiring to make it fun. It starts out on a world with a princess called “Princess Leona of the Leona,” the most advanced race of. My new podcast is Against Peeping trump because kids matter. I am sick that peeping trump is in office after bragging on Howard Stern Radio that he has the right to walk in on Children changing Clothes, He is SICK and If you Like him You are SICK. Stop the Sick people, protect all the Children.................................


Institute of Psychiatry feeds show

Institute of Psychiatry feedsJoin Now to Follow

Audio feeds from the Institute of Psychiatry. Public lectures, debates, conferences on mental health, neuroscience, psychiatry and psychology

By Institute of Psychiatry

Office Hours show

Office HoursJoin Now to Follow

Conversations with top social scientists about their research and the social world. Produced by The Society Pages.

By The Society Pages

Sur les épaules de Darwin show

Sur les épaules de DarwinJoin Now to Follow

Un voyage avec ses escales dans la recherche, la culture et la vie sociale, accompagnés par des textes et voix d'écrivains, de scientifiques et de poètes le tout orchestré par Jean-Claude Ameisen Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.

By France Inter

Science News Flash show

Science News FlashJoin Now to Follow

A unique Christian perspective on headline-grabbing discoveries.

By Reasons To Believe

Specialty Journals Author Interviews: Research in medicine, science & clinical practice for physicians, researchers, clinicians show

Specialty Journals Author Interviews: Research in medicine, science & clinical practice for physicians, researchers, cliniciansJoin Now to Follow

Audio Interviews with Authors of articles in the JAMA Network Specialty Journals

By The JAMA Network

Physio Edge podcast show

Physio Edge podcastJoin Now to Follow

Inspiring interviews with leading Physiotherapists, discussing real life assessment and treatment, clinical issues and ways to give you an edge in your Physiotherapy clinical practice. Pushing the boundaries of Physiotherapy to not only treat pain, but improve their own clinical performance.

By Physio Edge

Diet Science show

Diet ScienceJoin Now to Follow

Diet Science is a fun 7 to 8 minute weekly program with insights and straight scoops on today's health and diet issues from Dee McCaffrey, CDC. Dee is an Organic Chemist who lost 100 pounds, nearly half her body weight, and has kept it off for 20 years by staying away from processed foods. She's the author of The Science of Skinny, released by Perseus June 2012, and The Science of Skinny Cookbook, which was released December 2014.

By Dee and Michael McCaffrey

scobel show

scobelJoin Now to Follow

scobel will vielfältigsten Themen ihren Raum, ihr Format geben. Inhaltlich meist interdisziplinär und formal aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven werden Themen abgeklopft, neue Informationen geboten und Meinungen hinterfragt.

By 3sat