New Age Podcasts

Stories from the Borders of Sleep show

Stories from the Borders of SleepJoin Now to Follow

A fortnightly podcast, featuring original stories, fantastic fables and curious tales written and read by your host, Seymour Jacklin. Each episode is from 8-18 minutes long and takes the listener on an imaginative and thought provoking journey. Aimed at adults but very suitable for children, too.

By Seymour Jacklin Sanga show SangaJoin Now to Follow

Weekly podcast with news, discussions, interviews, meditations all about Krishna, along with a guided tour of what's happening at


Dilani Diva -The Spiritual Mind show

Dilani Diva -The Spiritual MindJoin Now to Follow

The Spiritual Mind Studio. To Embrace - Expand - Enlighten you.

The Paracast -- The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio show

The Paracast -- The Gold Standard of Paranormal RadioJoin Now to Follow

The Paracast explores a world beyond science, where UFOs, UFO, poltergeists and strange phenomena of all kinds have been reported by millions across the planet. The Paracast presents longtime researchers in the field, to shed light on the mysteries and complexities of our Universe and the secrets that surround us in our everyday lives. Join long-time paranormal researcher Gene Steinberg, co-host Christopher O’Brien, and their roster of special guest experts and experiencers, as they explore the realms of the known and unknown. Listen each week to the great stories of the history of the paranormal field in the 20th and 21st centuries.

By Gene Steinberg

I am- A Course in Miracles ( ACIM ) Spirituality at its wholeness show

I am- A Course in Miracles ( ACIM ) Spirituality at its wholenessJoin Now to Follow

YES! Law of Attraction is Talked about here, Also Much Much More! Witch Increase your Vibration...... ---FREE PLUGS---out to 15200 Listeners!--- ......I finally got a hold of "A Course in Miracles" and Now I will be doing the daily workbook listens of this Amazing Book, It Truly is A Course in Miracles and becoming a True Miracle Worker! I also am using Dr. Wayne Dyers Interpretation from the Tao Te Ching... Also on Talkshoe it is open for desiccation, after my essential show Free to join, Free to to Call, free to Chat... Just plain Free!!!... ...This is a course in miracles It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary. Free will does not mean that you can establish the curriculum. It means only that you can elect what you want to take at a given time. The course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is beyond what can be taught. It does aim, however, at removing the blocks to the awareness of love's presence, which is your natural inheritance. The opposite of love is fear, but what is all-encompassing can have no opposite. - A Course in Miracles

WPBN The Witchcraft Pagan Broadcast Netowrk show

WPBN The Witchcraft Pagan Broadcast NetowrkJoin Now to Follow

New shows every month with interview from authors that have interesting and unique subjects relating to Pagan life. Greyhart and Hawk, the hosts rant and rave about current topics relating to Pagans around the world. We now are featuring video on Common Thread (CT-Video) as well as Full Circle (Audio).

Astrology for Witches show

Astrology for WitchesJoin Now to Follow

Cairelle Perilloux and Dusty White discuss astrology for everyday witches. We help you enhance your spell work by teaching you how to harness the various flavors of energy from the spectrum rather than simply grabbing blindly at generic "energy." This is master-level work presented in terms even beginners can understand (and, we hope, enjoy!) This podcast is ALWAYS FREE and contains information you will not find anywhere else, explained by two people who know the hows and whys of magic, astrology, and effective prayer. The format is long-form discussion and is casual and uncensored. The occasional expletive will find its way in our discussions (oopsie!) because this is real talk about real magic. We may occasionally (momentarily) tout my books, but other than that there are no sales pitches. It is an educational podcast we hope you will listen to a few times and try our exercises for yourself so you can see REAL RESULTS in YOUR LIFE. Please comment or contact us as you like. We are here to help.

By Cairelle and Dusty

D's Roundtable show

D's RoundtableJoin Now to Follow

Your Host, Deborah Simpson, is an author and psychic adviser. Join us for untamed talk on subjects ranging from hot news topics, metaphysics, inspiration, writing and the paranormal. Co-Host, Dr. Fran Orenstein, is a respected author, poet and editor, with extensive experience in women's issues, education, counseling, and community organizing. Shows are scheduled in Eastern Standard Time.

By Ds Roundtable

Alachua Temple Live show

Alachua Temple LiveJoin Now to Follow

Lectures, music and concerts from the Hare Krishna temple in Alachua, Florida. See our live webcam at


Psychic Pod show

Psychic PodJoin Now to Follow

Free psychic insights for you! Submit your question to and listen for your question to be adressed!