Arts Podcasts

Librivox: Wind, The by Stevenson, Robert Louis show

Librivox: Wind, The by Stevenson, Robert LouisJoin Now to Follow

LibriVox volunteers bring you 13 different recordings of The Wind by Robert Louis Stevenson. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of March 2nd, 2008.

By LibriVox

Librivox: Poèmes Saturniens by Verlaine, Paul show

Librivox: Poèmes Saturniens by Verlaine, PaulJoin Now to Follow

Poèmes saturniens est le titre du premier recueil de poèmes de Paul Verlaine. Si Verlaine convoque Saturne, c'est en tant que planète tutélaire des mélancoliques, bien que le mot même de mélancolie n'apparaisse pas dans le poème (il donne toutefois son titre à la première section du recueil). Wikipedia

By LibriVox

Librivox: As a Man Thinketh by Allen, James show

Librivox: As a Man Thinketh by Allen, JamesJoin Now to Follow

Allen's books illustrate the use of the power of thought to increase personal capabilities. Although he never achieved great fame or wealth, his works continue to influence people around the world, including the New Thought movement. Allen's most famous book, As a Man Thinketh, was published in 1902. It is now considered a classic self-help book. Its underlying premise is that noble thoughts make a noble person, while lowly thoughts make a miserable person. (Summary by Wikipedia)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Myricae by Pascoli, Giovanni show

Librivox: Myricae by Pascoli, GiovanniJoin Now to Follow

Myricae, è la raccolta di poesie più amata dal Pascoli. [...] Nel 1903, la raccolta definitiva comprendeva 156 liriche del poeta. I componimenti in esso raccolti sono dedicati al ciclo delle stagioni, al lavoro dei campi e alla vita contadina. Il titolo indica la modestia e la semplicità della poetica. Le myricae, le umili tamerici, diventano un simbolo delle tematiche del Pascoli ed evocano riflessioni profonde. La descrizione realistica cela un significato più ampio così che, dal mondo contadino si arriva poi ad un significato universale. La rappresentazione della vita nei campi e della condizione contadina è solo all'apparenza il messaggio che il poeta vuole trasmettere con le sue opere. [...] Il significato delle Myricae, va quindi oltre l'apparenza. (Summary from Wikepedia)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Cuore by De Amicis, Edmondo show

Librivox: Cuore by De Amicis, EdmondoJoin Now to Follow

ENGLISH: Heart (Italian: Cuore) was a children's novel written by Italian author Edmondo De Amicis. It is set during the Italian unification, and includes several patriotic themes. It was issued by Treves on October 17, 1886, the first day of school in Italy, and rose to immediate success. The novel is written in a diary form as told by Enrico Bottini, a 10-year old primary school student in Italy with an upper class background who is surrounded by classmates of working class origin. The entire chronological setting corresponds to the third-grade season. Enrico's parents and older siblings sometimes correspond with Enrico through the means of his diary: his teacher assigns him with homework dealing with stories of children throughout the Italian states, who should serve as role models - the stories are then given in full as Enrico is supposed to have written them. Most topics revolve around moral values, and the predilect ones include helping those in need, love for family and friends, and patriotism. ITALIAN: Cuore è un romanzo scritto nel 1886 da Edmondo de Amicis, pubblicato nel 1888. Fu un grande successo, tanto che de Amicis divenne lo scrittore più letto d'Italia. L'ambientazione è l'indomani dell'unità d'Italia, e il testo ha il chiaro scopo di insegnare ai giovani cittadini del Regno le virtù civili, ossia l'amore per la patria, il rispetto per le autorità e per i genitori, lo spirito di sacrificio, l'eroismo, la carità, la pietà, l'obbedienza e la sopportazioni delle disgrazie. (Summary from Wikipedia)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Lilith by MacDonald, George show

Librivox: Lilith by MacDonald, GeorgeJoin Now to Follow

Lilith, written by the father of fantasy literature, George MacDonald, was first published in 1895. Its importance was recognized in its later revival in paperback by Ballantine Books as the fifth volume of the celebrated Ballantine Adult Fantasy series in September, 1969. Lilith is considered among the darkest of MacDonald's works, and among the most profound. It is a story concerning the nature of life, death and salvation. Many believe MacDonald is arguing for Christian universalism, or the idea that all will eventually be saved. (Summary from Wikipedia)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Men of Iron by Pyle, Howard show

Librivox: Men of Iron by Pyle, HowardJoin Now to Follow

Men of Iron by Howard Pyle is historical fiction that transports us back to the 1400's, a time of knighthood and chivalry. Myles Falworth is eight years old when news comes they must flee their home. His blind father is accused of treason. We see Myles grow up, train as a knight, and with perseverance, clear his father of any wrong-doing and restore their family name. (Summary by Laura Caldwell)

By LibriVox

Librivox: Märchen 5 by Grimm, Jacob & Wilhelm show

Librivox: Märchen 5 by Grimm, Jacob & WilhelmJoin Now to Follow

Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts begannen die Brüder Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm, traditionelle, bisher vor allem mündlich weitergegebene Erzählungen zusammenzutragen. Diese Sammlung ist als die Märchen der Gebrüder Grimm weltbekannt geworden und umfaßt so berühmte Geschichten wie Rapunzel, Hänsel und Gretel, Rumpelstilzchen, Rotkäppchen und viele andere. Diese Märchen wurden später stark editiert und 'beschönt'. Die hier vorliegenden Versionen entsprechen aber stärker den originalen, teils drastischen Fassungen. (Zusammenfassung von Rainer)

By LibriVox

Vince Tracy's Podcasts show

Vince Tracy's PodcastsJoin Now to Follow

Join chat show host Vince Tracy down in sunny Spain to get a great flavour of what life is like on the Costa Blanca. Vince adds a number of different podcasts ranging from newsy and informative through listener involvement to celebrity interviews. The music is always slightly different although he tends to be choosey about the newer stuff. There´s often a new artist breaking with a new sound and regular guests include Leapy Lee (Little Arrows UK no2), Tony Hiller (writer of United we stand, Save your kisses for me and 17 worldwide number 1 hitsongs) and local celebrities.

By vince tracy

Unheardpoem show

UnheardpoemJoin Now to Follow

This is a poem submitted in Unheard 2020..

By Yogesh Wagh