Environment Podcasts

Corporate Watchdog Media show

Corporate Watchdog MediaJoin Now to Follow

Special Edition Radio Show on Bhopal Chemical Disaster 21 Year Anniversary - Available for local noncommercial broadcast The Bhopal Chemical Disaster: 21 years after the biggest industrial disaster the world has ever known, the fight for justice still rages. This week Corporate Watchdog Radio commemorates the worst industrial disaster in history: a preventable catastrophe whose human and environmental costs are still mounting 21 years laterŠa monumental failure of corporate responsibility for which the company has still not appeared for its criminal trialŠand a tragedy whose lessons have still not been learned by the chemical industry‹leaving the US and the rest of the world at risk, as Bhopal, India was in December 1984. The Bhopal Chemical Disaster: its victims, its heroes, and its warning, this week on Corporate Watchdog Radio. Corporate Watchdog Radio, a new half-hour radio broadcast and podcast delivers breaking news, analysis, and commentary on corporate ethics and power. CWR¹s hosts and co-producers are nationally-respected environmental and business ethics attorney Sanford Lewis, and journalist Bill Baue of SocialFunds.com. In the current show, host Sanford Lewis interviews some of the crucial voices in the fight for justice in Bhopal against Dow Chemical (the owner of the former Union Carbide plant): Sathyu Sarangi, director of the Sambvhvana Clinic in Bhopal, who describes the health crises of Bhopal survivors and their children, and the remarkable international struggle of Bhopali women to call Dow Chemical to account; Diane Wilson, author of the celebrated new autobiography, An Unreasonable Woman. A poor Texas fisherwoman who became a crusader against the chemical companies polluting the Gulf Coast waters of her livelihood, Diane is hot on the trail of Warren Anderson, the man at the helm of Union Carbide when its Bhopal plant exploded. Anderson is a fugitive from Indian criminal courts. Corporate Watchdog Radio interviews Diane from the road; Jayanthi Reddy, a University of Michigan student leader who wants Dow Chemical‹headquartered in Michigan‹to clean up its act; Rick Hind, director of Toxics Programs for Greenpeace, and a world authority on how easy it would be for a Bhopal-scale disaster to occur in the US, either by accident, negligence, or terrorist intent; Lois Gibbs, the former Buffalo housewife who brought the toxic outrage of Love Canal to national attention; This edition of Corporate Watchdog Radio is available beginning November 28th. It is licensed for non-commercial broadcast and available for commercial licensing. Broadcast quality feeds, internet archive, related videos and resource links are available via: http://corporatewatchdogmedia.org Free podcast available through http://podcast.corporatewatchdogmedia.org or through the iTunes music store. Also sign up for the program update listserve through subscribe@corporatewatchdogmedia.org For information: Producer Sanford Lewis 413 549-7333

The Orgone Files show

The Orgone FilesJoin Now to Follow

Simple solutions to bring about a collective consciousness for mankind and the planet.

The Crossing-Zone show

The Crossing-ZoneJoin Now to Follow

The Crossing-Zone is a Christian Podcast, geared towards teenagers, yet still very entertaining to the older generation as well. It is designed to bring you into a closer relationship with God and help you get past all the cars and to the other side of the crossing-zone, with Jesus. Please listen and enjoy, then help spread the word to your friends.

Chesapeake Bay Seminar Series show

Chesapeake Bay Seminar SeriesJoin Now to Follow

A monthly seminar series in Annapolis, MD to foster better interaction between the Chesapeake research, monitoring and management community, hosted by the Integration and Application Network.

A Different Reality show

A Different RealityJoin Now to Follow

A Different Reality is an entertaining and thought-provoking weekly one-hour audio zine to promote a sustainable civilization.

By purplearth

Go Solar Walmart show

Go Solar WalmartJoin Now to Follow

Help convince Walmart to use clean renewable energy.``Send in photos from Walmart, or photos of receipts from Walmart.``Together the customers of Walmart can lead the way to clean energy for all.

Cat Lovers Podcast show

Cat Lovers PodcastJoin Now to Follow

Podcast about cats, cat music, cat meowing, cat stories. If you're a cat lover or have cats who own you, you'll find something fun in this interactive Cat Lovers Podcast.

By Marc Gunn

The Barometer show

The BarometerJoin Now to Follow

A podcast about interesting stuff from the World of atmospheric science and climate