Higher Education Podcasts

MGH Psychiatry Academy Podcasts show

MGH Psychiatry Academy PodcastsJoin Now to Follow

Podcasts form the MGH Psychiatry Academy

By MGH Psychiatry Academy

Psychology in Seattle Video Podcast show

Psychology in Seattle Video PodcastJoin Now to Follow

The Psychology In Seattle Podcast has been producing weekly podcasts about psychology since 2008. We have around 5,000 dedicated, weekly listeners. The host, Kirk Honda, is faculty at Antioch University Seattle and a licensed therapist. Mandy and Humberto provide the layperson's voice. The podcasts are an entertaining mix of seriousness and silliness. The podcast is available on iTunes, Zune, and YouTube, as well as PsychologyInSeattle.com and the KIRO Radio website.

By Psychology in Seattle

BMA: Black Media Archive show

BMA: Black Media ArchiveJoin Now to Follow

The Black Media Archive is a multi-media collection of African and African-American history, including speeches, archival video, movies, music, and more. It exists as a central resource of Black history in multi-media formats.

By The BMA

London Business School podcasts show

London Business School podcastsJoin Now to Follow

<b>A series of podcasts, sharing the latest in news and thought leadership from London Business School.</b>

By London Business School

Biology 4120/4220 -- Advanced Physiology with Doc C show

Biology 4120/4220 -- Advanced Physiology with Doc CJoin Now to Follow

This is a year-long course in Advanced Physiology. Lectures are presented to you by Dr. Gerald Cizadlo of the College of St. Scholastica. The information provided will be of interest to students and those planning careers in science and medicine, as well as current practitioners in the field. Please note: The content and opinions expressed here belong to the author and are not necessarily endorsed by The College of St. Scholastica. For the course outline and/or to view a digital blackboard of images associated with the lectures, please visit the Web site at http://faculty.css.edu/gcizadlo/AdvPhysiology/Index.htm

By Dr. Gerald Cizadlo

Take Off show

Take OffJoin Now to Follow

A series from Hungary, featuring students' stories as well as classics like The Catcher in the Rye and Breakfast at Tiffany's.

By Jozsef Horvath

GED Test Audio Lessons, Audio GED Prep Project show

GED Test Audio Lessons, Audio GED Prep ProjectJoin Now to Follow

This is an audio project to help student prepare to take the new GED Exam. GED is the common reference acronym to the standardized test called “General Education Development” which is administered by GED Testing Service LLC. In this project we will producing lessons in audio or podcast form we will be providing one new audio lesson (podcast) per week. There are about 41 lessons in total with each lesson about 25 min. in length. If the student wishes to progress at a faster pace we recommend that he purchase and download the section he is studying. These lessons are available in the menu “GED Audio Lessons”

By AudioGEDPrep.com

MicrobeWorld Video show

MicrobeWorld VideoJoin Now to Follow

A video podcast by the American Society for Microbiology that highlights the latest in microbiology, life science and biotechnology news. ASM is composed of over 42,000 scientists and health professionals with the mission to advance the microbial sciences as a vehicle for understanding life processes and to apply and communicate this knowledge for the improvement of health and environmental and economic well-being worldwide. For information about ASM and MicrobeWorld, visit us online at www.microbeworld.org. For questions and/or feedback please email ccondayan@asmusa.org.

By American Society for Microbiology

DAVE Project - Gastroenterology show

DAVE Project - GastroenterologyJoin Now to Follow

DAVE Project, an acronym for the Digital Atlas of Video Education, is a collection of teaching tools. The project consists of a gastrointestinal endoscopy video altas and medical lectures and presentations. The full spectrum of endoscopic imaging supported by pathologic, radiologic, and surgical images is used. Physicians are able to submit, for consideration, new entries to enrich and expand the atlas.

By Editors: Peter B. Kelsey, MD, Brenna C. Bounds, MD, G.S. Raju, MD, Dan F. Collier

CoHearence show

CoHearenceJoin Now to Follow

Andrew Mark and Amanda Di Battista, PhD students at York University\'s Faculty of Environmental Studies (FES), take listeners on a journey through current research interests at FES. Look for our Podcast in the iTunes Store.

By Amanda Di Battista and Andrew Mark