Not Your Average Runner, A Running Podcast show

Not Your Average Runner, A Running Podcast

Summary: The Not Your Average Runner Podcast teaches plus-size, mid-life women practical ways to start running in the body they have right now. Certified Running & Life Coach Jill Angie combines her real-life experience and coaching wisdom to help women find joy in learning to run in a way that honors their unique size, shape, speed or age. You’ll be surprised at how much you can enjoy running when you know how to do it! Download a free one-week jumpstart plan to get started today at


 Ep #43: Running Through Adversity with Kristie Bittleston | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:44

My guest this week is the one and only Kristie Bittleston, who is a member of Run Your Best Life! Kristie is an amazing human with too many talents to count, and she's got a pretty inspirational success story to share with us today. Not only has she risen above some massive physical challenges and being told she would never be able to run, but she is a true badass rebel runner with mammoth goals on her horizon. Get full show notes and more information here:

 Ep #42: Run Fatty Run: How to Deal with Hecklers | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 38:51

So, getting heckled by those lovely people (sense the sarcasm dripping?) that yell at you while you're on your run, or even comments from people you know who are "concerned about why you're not losing any weight" is a pretty difficult situation to handle. It's really an art that needs some fine-tuning to get right, and I'm boiling it down to three options you can choose from when it happens Get full show notes and more information here:

 BONUS: Rebel Runner Unleashed: FAQ | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 14:36

If you're interested in the Rebel Runner Unleashed program and you want to find out more, visit to fill out an application and set up a 10-minute call with Jill.

 Ep #41: The First Mile Always Feels Like Ass | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 25:34

Rebels, on the podcast today I'm talking about the first mile of your run and how it feels like ass almost every single time. I don't think I've met a single runner who just walks out the door, starts running, and feels like they're floating on air the whole way, and that's okay. I'm sharing why this is totally normal, and actually, why your first mile (or two) should be hard! Get full show notes and more information here:

 Ep #40: The Secret to Manifesting Your Dreams with Cassie Parks | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 44:33

This week, I've got my friend and master manifestor, Cassie Parks. Cassie's superpower is helping her clients welcome anything they want in their lives and make it a reality. Visualizing your goals seems like a pretty simple thing to do - we all imagine how we'd like our races to go, or maybe an upcoming vacation you're excited about - but Cassie dives deep into how this process works your brain in a different way. Get full show notes and more information here:

 Ep #39: The Hard Truth About Self Love | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:57

Rebels, I hope you're ready for another episode full of tough love because I'm bringing it to you in full force today. I'm addressing the ugly side of self-love and body size positivity. These concepts don't always involve rainbows and daisies and we're going to break it down in today's show. Today, I highlight why we're guilty of negative self-talk and how it's not our fault that our inner mean girl gets conceived.  Get full show notes and more information here:

 Ep #38: Junk Food & Garbage Thoughts with Corinne Crabtree | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 48:20

My guest this week is the one and only Corinne Crabtree! If you're not already familiar with her, she is the mastermind behind the hugely popular PNP tribe and the host of the Losing 100 Pounds Podcast. Join us to hear some really helpful concepts around weight loss and self-care. Hearing Corinne's story is going to be so motivating for those of you wanting to lose weight or just take care of yourselves in any way! Get full show notes and more information here:

 Ep #37: How to Stay Motivated | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 22:10

While it's easy to think some people just innately have it within them as a quality of their personality, I'm highlighting how anyone can muster up the determination to achieve their long-term goals. Tune in to hear some me drop some truth bombs on how to get motivated. It's not necessarily fun or sexy all the time, but I hope hearing this will get you off the couch, on your run, and crossing that finish line with pride! Get full show notes and more information here:

 Ep #36: Getting Over Your Fears About Running with Suzy Rosenstein | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 27:00

My guest this week is a fellow life coach and friend, Suzy Rosenstein.  Suzy has been a consumer of all things running: she's got the gear, bought the books... but she hasn't gone on a single run yet. She decided that she wanted running to be a part of her life nearly two years ago but has made all the excuses. Tune in for some real talk about how we get in our own way when it comes to wanting to try new things. Get full show notes and more information here:

 Ep #35: From Setback to Bounce-Back | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 29:59

The negative self-talk we all indulge in when we don't manage to cross the finish line of a race or have a bad run is really detrimental to our motivation. What I want to highlight today will allow you to get back on track and help you realize that failure is always a choice. Get some perspective on the term "failure" and how coaching yourself through those negative thoughts can be the solution to getting back out there! Get full show notes and more information here:

 Ep #34: Self-Care for Consistency with Julie Fountain | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 43:20

On the show this week, I've got another total badass rebel runner, Julie Fountain. Julie is a member of Run Your Best Life, and in two and a half years, she's gone from being a sedentary cat mom who used to quit on herself frequently, to now training for her first half marathon. Julie shares all of her accomplishments on her journey and how she overcame the negative thoughts she had around her ability to run a whole mile. Get full show notes and more information here:

 Ep #33: How to Coach Yourself | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 26:31

Today, I'm teaching you how to coach yourself. I often talk about fighting the inner mean girl inside of all of us, but most of the time, we don't even know we're letting her take the reins on our lives. Negative self-talk is a big issue not only in running. While this sounds like bad news, I'm here to dive deep into how you can have complete control and kick that inner mean girl out. Get full show notes and more information here:

 Ep #32: In the Pursuit of Running Shoes with Amanda Mueller | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 39:38

This week, my special guest is one of my favorite rockstar rebel runners, Amanda Mueller. She is a prime example of how consistency, confidence, and a sense of community can not only improve your running but every aspect of your life. She shares her story of weight loss and how running unintentionally became a part of her life, and it's one that I think all of you will find very inspirational! Get full show notes and more information here:

 Ep #31: How to Pick the Best Half Marathon for You | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 28:45

Welcome to another valuable episode on half marathons! June and July are the prime months to start training for fall races, and I want every single one of you to have the end experience you are training so hard for. And so, on this episode, I delve into how you can make sure you get that amazing feeling of crossing the finishing line by picking the right race for you! Get full show notes and more information here:

 Ep #30: The Lowdown on Disney Races with Christine Surh | File Type: audio/mpeg | Duration: 46:26

How many of you have been wanting to run a Disney race? My guest today is Christine Surh and she's an expert on all things Disney races. On this episode, she's giving us the lowdown on everything you might have questions about! Christine truly has all the answers and drops tips on the ins and outs of traveling there, accommodation, and how race day works. Get full show notes and more information here:


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