Learning From... Mumbai - Rahul Mehrotra

Canadian Centre for Architecture / Centre Canadien d’Architecture show

Summary: In the Learning From... lecture series, Rahul Mehrotra examines Mumbai, a megalopolis with more than 13 million inhabitants, as two distinct elements that occupy the same physical space. The first, the Static City, built of permanent materials like concrete, steel and brick, can be captured as a two-dimensional entity on conventional city maps. The second is the Kinetic City, a three-dimensional construct of incremental development. The bazaar-like city in motion can be seen as a symbol of the emerging Indian urban condition. Rahul Mehrotra is principal of the firm RMA Architects of Mumbai, India and an Associate Professor at the School of Architecture and Planning at MIT in the United States. Learning From... examines cities and their response to new architectural and urban conditions in a rapidly transforming global economy. Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal, 9 April 2009