Spread the Influence - message 4/30/06

Liquid Church with Pastor Tim Lucas show

Summary: When it comes to spreading the influence of Jesus in the world around us, well-meaning Christians often do it poorly. Some believers retreat into a safe, religious bubble that keeps them from interacting with outsiders. Others remain silent so that friends don't even know about their faith. Still others are so outspoken, that folks run the other way when they see them coming. Yet, Jesus gave us a model for cultural engagement that drives our mission as a church. At Liquid, we're committed to "Spreading the Influence" in 3 ways: ...by investing in friendships with non-believers (Colossians 4.5-6) ...by inviting the unchurched (Luke 14.23) ...by reaching out to serve the community (Mark 10.45) Listen in as Pastor Tim describes our "Invest & Invite" strategy for engaging our neighbors in relevant, meaningful ways with the love of God.