Jerusalem Artichoke

Tales from Terry's Allotment show

Summary: You039re in for a special treat in this months podcast as after being down on the allotment and listening to another wonderful rendition we visit Antheas kitchen for a tasty recipe Terry Walton and Richard Fishbourne discuss how the crops are not looking as droopy as expected for this time of the year espcially after the changes in weather we have had lately As they take a look at some of the beans growing on the alloment Terry asks for some runner bean recipes so if any of you GC members have any ideas please get posting Besides giving some tips about the Brassica family as well as boasting about his 10 foot Jerusalem artichoke Terry sadly admits his defeat in the marrowthon this year After a quick coffee and singsong we join Anthea in the kitchen cooking up a delicious trout with garlic celery leaves carrots and parsley As always we hope you all enjoy another allotment adventure with some great tips from the entertaining duo