079: Conversation with Robert Greene

PreneurCast: Entrepreneurship, Business, Internet Marketing and Productivity show

Summary: Pete recently got early access to Mastery, the new book from Robert Greene, author of 48 Laws of Power, The 33 Strategies of War and The 50th Law - This week he talks with Robert about the new book, and and the paths people take to become a master. Make sure you visit Robert's blog at http://powerseductionandwar.com - there are some pre-order bonuses for the book -= Links =- - Online: http://powerseductionandwar.com - Robert's Blog - Books: Mastery - Robert Greene -=- For more information about Pete and Dom, visit us online at http://www.preneurmedia.tv or drop us a line at: preneurcast@preneurgroup.com If you like what we're doing, please leave us a review on iTunes or a comment on the Preneurmedia.tv Web Site.