Operations and Crew Resource Management, Vehicle Safety and Episode 276

MedicCast Audio Podcast for EMT Paramedics and EMS Students show

Summary: MedicCast Episode 276 The MedicCast is a proud member of the ProMed Podcast Network (http://promednetwork.com/). —- MP3 Audio Podcast (http://d8nza2yu92e2a.cloudfront.net/mediccast_images/SubscribeItunes.png)iTunes (http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/mediccast-audio-podcast-for/id165682697#) | (http://d8nza2yu92e2a.cloudfront.net/mediccast_images/SubscribeZune.png)Zune (zune://subscribe/?MedicCast%20EMS%20Podcast=http://www.mediccast.com/blog/feed/podcast/) | (http://d8nza2yu92e2a.cloudfront.net/mediccast_images/SubscribeRSS.png)Podcast (http://www.mediccast.com/feed/podcast/) | (http://d8nza2yu92e2a.cloudfront.net/mediccast_images/SubscribeRSS.png)Blog (http://www.mediccast.com/feed/) (http://d8nza2yu92e2a.cloudfront.net/mediccast_images/SubscribeTwitter.png)Twitter (http://twitter.com/podmedic) | (http://d8nza2yu92e2a.cloudfront.net/mediccast_images/SubscribeFacebook.png)Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rising-Sun-MD/MedicCast/131339020711) Subscribe to the Podcast Studio Video Version (http://d8nza2yu92e2a.cloudfront.net/mediccast_images/SubscribeItunes.png)iTunes (http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/mediccast-ems-studio-video/id386254289#) | (http://d8nza2yu92e2a.cloudfront.net/mediccast_images/SubscribeZune.png)Zune (zune://subscribe/?MedicCast%20Studio%20Video=http://www.mediccast.com/blog/feed/studio-vid) | (http://d8nza2yu92e2a.cloudfront.net/mediccast_images/SubscribeRSS.png)Podcast (http://www.mediccast.com/feed/studio-vid) ————————– This Week: EMS Culture of Safety Wrap Groups: Operations and Crew Resource Management, Vehicle Safety Here comes the final part of the warp up from  the EMS Culture of Safety conference held in Arlington, Virginia on June 21-22, 2011. In this episode groups four and five. The fourth group started off discussing their assigned topic operations and crew resource management, touching on specific subjects such as scene operations, bystander’s safety response policies, situational awareness and team work and scheduling and communications.  On that note, they came up with questions like where is EMS  now, where does EMS want to be, what do they want to do in a strategy perspective, and what are the obstacles and barriers and answered those questions to put things into perspective. The fifth group followed with their topic on vehicle safety tackling aspects like vehicle design and provider practices when on board the ambulance. One of the things that came up was the provider culture or using seat belts and finding ways to secure equipment and passengers alike while providing care. They recommended was putting out a mandate that requires providers to use seat belts and a possible obstacle that can hinder this progression EMS would be attitude and culture. Again, a special thank you to the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) for inviting the MedicCast team in to cover this special event. Don’t forget to catch all of the special short interview segments from the conference with Carissa Caramanis O’Brien and many of the leaders and consultants attending the conference. You’ll find the EMS Culture of Safety Conference at MedicCast.TV (http://mediccast.tv/) as well as here on our special ACEP EMS Culture of Safety page (http://www.mediccast.com/blog/acep/). National EMS Culture of Safety Site (http://www.emscultureofsafety.org/) ——– Sponsored by The MedicCast Extra (http://www.mediccast.com/amember/signup.php),and MedicCast Store (http://store.mediccast.com/) Extra Content for MedicCast Listeners for less than $1 per day (via monthly subscription) * NREMT Study and Prep Tips * All Tips and Meds segments from the MedicCast and Nursing Show as separate downloadable files * Special iTunes Podcast Feed for Members – Get the segments as a podcast * Extra Members-Only content added monthly —————————- Contact Me! Call the Voice Mail Line —                         (941) 306-3342 email me at podmedic@mac.com (mailto:podmedic@mac.com) ——– Until next time,