Q&A Video #05 – Why Joint Venture on Deals?

Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast show

Summary: Question About Doing Joint Ventures (JV's) "All those JV'n -- With the advent of software like Freedomsoft and the internet, why are so many people JV'ing vs just finding their own buyers in those markets. Finding cash buyers are easy. Why lose half the deal in JV'ing? Are you trying to do volume instead of quality of deal? I just don't get it. Why not find the buyer yourself?" Have some questions?  Ask them here >>> Wholesaling Houses Full-Time Facebook Page [fbshare type="button"]  [fblike style="button_count" float="left" showfaces="false" width="75" verb="like" font="arial"] [twitter style="horizontal" float="left"] [linkedin_share style="none"] [google_plusone size="standard" float="left" annotation="none" language="English (UK)"]