The Resignation Reality – Reassessing Priorities | HR31

HR Inside Out show

Summary: Lululemon stocks went up 13% in one day – apparently we are enjoying hanging out in our comfy clothes and plan to continue doing more of that. News broadcasts indicate that 50% of our workforce are considering quitting. McKinsey and Company and Harvard Business Review articles are noting that people are choosing to not return to work, even without the safety net of alternate employment. We are reassessing our priorities. We are yearning to be appreciated and recognized, to be considered and treated like more than a transaction. Companies that understand this are doing what needs to happen to change. Others are not willing to shift. Yet, resignation is not truly an option for many of us. In today’s podcast we talk about what what we can do to help create the changes we wish to see in our own lives - as individuals, within our teams and within our organizations. Hope you decide to join us!