Fat Burning Zone... Fact or Myth??

Let's Talk Fast show

Summary: A common thing to hear around gyms or running circles many years ago and still to this day (albeit far less common these days), is this idea around a magical "Fat Burning Zone". The body has a number of energy systems that it draws on to help fuel your body during everyday movement, as well as intentional exercise. At lower intensities, the body has more time to process its fuel and shuttle it to the working muscles and it was this that "fueled" (pardon the pun) the idea that telling people to work at lower intensities would help to see them lose more fat during their workouts and exercise. In this weeks episode we talk in more detail about this idea and whether there is any truth to it or if it is a complete myth and what you can do to tailor your exercise to best suit your goals. I hope you enjoy the episode and if you did and haven't already, please go and give the podcast a quick review and 5 star rating as it would mean the world to me and then DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE to make sure you never miss an episode!!! Join the tribe and become a NO BREAKFAST CLUB member today and receive daily workouts sent directly to your email, discounts on products and services and MUCH more planned in the no too distant future. Anyone can join and all you need to do is CLICK HERE to find out more and sign up today to join the team! Contact The No Breakfast Guy: Instagram: @the_no_breakfast_guy Website: www.thenobreakfastguy.com Email: info@thenobreakfastguy.com YouTube: www.youtube.com/thenobreakfastguy