Get a Guru - Career Mom Conversation

Career Mom show

Summary: <p>The mental load is heavier now more than ever for Career Moms, signup for Robyn Miller’s course October 19 - November 29. Use the code CAREERMOM to access an additional session with Robyn and I to focus on the Career Mom Mental Load. <a href=""></a></p> <p>Get a Guru</p> <p>A guru is a teacher, a guide, or master of certain areas of knowledge within a field. As Career Moms, we have so many areas of life we need to manage and master so who are you turning to to guide you in all of the decisions you need to make?  The goal of this podcast episode is to help you identify your go-to source of information for major areas of life, motherhood, or career. I have a guru for parenting, nutrition, meal prep, working out, marriage, and home organization and my career. If I have an issue or even if I just want to improve something in either of those areas I know exactly what podcast or blog I go to first and this cuts down on decision fatigue. Here are some of my gurus: </p> <p>Parenting: <a href=""></a> - Podcast, Blog, and Book on respectful parenting</p> <p>Marriage: My mom </p> <p>Nutrition: <a href=""></a> - Podcast, Blog, and Book on Fab 4 method of nutrition. Amazing smoothie recipes </p> <p>Meal Prep: <a href="">Holy Healthy Mama Podcast</a> - Love her motto of “Prep what you can when you can”</p> <p>Exercise: <a href="">FitnessBlender YouTube Channel</a> - Thousands of free and effective workouts as well as paid plans.</p> <p>News: <a href="">The Newsworthy Podcast</a> - 10 minutes daily news update </p> <p>Politics: <a href="">Pantsuit Politics Podcast</a> - Two women from different sides of the aisle discuss current political events in a graceful way </p> <p>Organization: <a href=""></a> - Laurie is a clutter expert. I’ve also joined the <a href="">The Home Edit</a> bandwagon  </p>