1. How grief can be your unexpected ally: Understanding this complicated emotion with Edy Nathan in both seniors’ care and life

Seniors' Care Matters show

Summary: Understand different types of grief and how they can be leveraged to break through emotional barriers.<br> In this episode:<br> We are experiencing a global level of uncertainty and grief during this pandemic with COVID-19. In Seniors’ Care, whether as a staff member, leader or family member, grief exists and can impact our ability to stay focused and functioning.<br> <br> Edy Nathan, a licensed therapist and author of “It’s Grief: The Dance of Self Discovery through Trauma and Loss” joins me in this first episode where we unpack some elements and impacts of grief<br> <br> * The aspects of complex and complicated grief<br> * Why rituals and routines are important<br> * How to identify grief responses<br> * Ways to work with grief and break through emotional barriers, with strategies such as:<br> <br> * Label to enable<br> * Affirm and confirm<br> * Blinders and Bubbles<br> * The 3R’s to move with grief<br> * How mundane moments can provide meaning<br> <br> <br> <br> Grief is part of our human condition, and there are ways to work with it and move through this tough emotion.<br> Guest bio:<br> Edy Nathan MA, LCSWR is an author, public speaker and licensed therapist. She brings a personal<br> conversation to the non-linear aspects within grief, loss and trauma as a survivor of abuse and the<br> loss of her partner when she was in her 20’s. Edy’s expertise as a grief therapist is informed by her<br> formal training as a psychotherapist as she interweaves this training with breathwork, guided<br> imagery, ritual and storytelling. She sees grief as an Unexpected Ally, causing people to grow and<br> learn from their losses. Edy earned degrees from New York University and Fordham University, with<br> post-graduate training at the Ackerman Institute for Family Therapy. Her book, “It’s Grief: The Dance<br> of Self-Discovery through Trauma and Loss” is used by many to help them navigate through the many<br> phases of grief. Grief is a hero’s journey. You move from who you were into a new ordinary. She<br> practices in New York City.<br> Resources:<br> <a href="https://www.amazon.ca/Its-Grief-Self-Discovery-Through-Trauma-ebook/dp/B07JL8WHJR/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&amp;amp;keywords=it%27s+grief%3A+the+dance+of+self+discovery+through+trauma+and+loss&amp;amp;qid=1594241754&amp;amp;sr=8-1">“It’s Grief: The Dance of Self-Discovery through Trauma and Loss”</a> by Edy Nathan (Amazon Canada)<br> <br> <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Its-Grief-Self-Discovery-Through-Trauma/dp/0997174307/ref=sr_1_1?crid=L3N2W7VZ3KAJ&amp;amp;dchild=1&amp;amp;keywords=edy+nathan&amp;amp;qid=1594241705&amp;amp;sprefix=edy+nathan%2Caps%2C156&amp;amp;sr=8-1">“It’s Grief: The Dance of Self-Discovery through Trauma and Loss”</a> by Edy Nathan (Amazon US)<br> <br> <a href="http://www.edynathan.com">www.EdyNathan.com</a>