Episode 159: S4E2: Lucie Luneau, AI Project Manager, Kids Code Jeunesse

Women in AI show

Summary: Lucie Luneau is the AI project manager at Kids Code Jeunesse (KCJ), a Canadian founded not-for-profit organization teaching coding skills to teachers and children. Lucie is also an instrumental part of KCJ's France-Canada team. Lucie holds a Master degree in Neuroscience from the University of Montreal. She nurtures a keen interest in designing exciting and accessible resources to give teachers and kids the skills to thrive in a technology-driven society. See our summit list <a href="%E2%80%9Chttps://www.re-work.co/events%22"> here.</a> Don't miss our on the next <a href="%E2%80%9Chttps://www.re-work.co/events?utf8=%E2%9C%93&amp;q%5Bvenue_city_cont%5D=&amp;q%5Bfeature_topics_title_cont%5D=Women+in+AI&amp;q%5Bevent_type_cont%5D=&amp;q%5Bend_date%5D=q%5Bend_date_gteq%5D&amp;q%5Bend_date_gteq%5D=2019-12-11%E2%80%9C">Women in AI Dinners </a> taking place in London and San Francisco next month!