#15: Chocolate Chip KeyForge

The Wild Wormhole: A KeyForge Podcast show

Summary: <p>Dhaus &amp; Mike are back again! Jim &amp; Jay are still on their couple’s retreat to who-knows-where, but will surely be back with stories to tell. Join us for a civilized discussion about KeyForge deck rating systems, Worlds Collide hype, upcoming tournaments, baby names, and chocolate chip cookies. We hope you enjoy this episode - if you do please share us with your friends (and/or enemies)! &gt;:)</p> <p>Join our fun-loving discord server: <a href="https://discord.gg/kNVgH9R">https://discord.gg/kNVgH9R</a></p> <p>Facebook: <a href="https://www.facebook.com/TheWildWormhole/">https://www.facebook.com/TheWildWormhole/</a></p> <p>Twitter: @WildWormhole Mike: @RebelSpyyy Jay: @DoubleBlanks</p>