Empire podcast  show

Summary: <p>Our first trial run episode!<br><br>Welcome to the pilot of the Empire Podcast - this is the first in what will hopefully be an insightful glimpse behind the curtain of Empire’s design, campaign and game. Matt Pennington, Andy Raff and Dave Young are posed some interesting questions about the game itself by Matt Heath, including what the Winds of War and Winds of Fortune provide PD and our players, why we made some of the original design decisions we did and if the game has progressed as we expected it.<br><br>We are keen to hear your feedback and would love you to head to <a href="https://forums.profounddecisions.co.uk/"><u>https://forums.profounddecisions.co.uk/</u></a> to provide just that!<br> <br>Music is the Imperial Battle Anthem - Lyrics by Daisy and Jude. The tune is very roughly based on Debochadan by Severa Nazarkhan, from her album <a href="http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000QUCPKW">Sen</a></p>