Mumtildas a (very big) variation on their namesakes

Croatian show

Summary: First, there were the Matildas, Australia's national women's football team making a name for themselves on the world stage. Now, there are the Mumtildas, a league rather than a team, a league of mothers who have launched a new, self-styled football league in Melbourne. And they are recruiting women from all backgrounds to come and play the sport, even if it is the first time.   (Njihovo ime podsjeća na Matilde, nacionalnu australsku žensku nogometnu momčad, no Mumtilde su jedna sasvim drugačiji nogometni tim.   Riječ je o osam momčadi majki iz Melbournea koje su osnovale svoju nogometnu ligu koja prima žene bez obzira na podrijetlo, čak i ako se do sada uopće nisu bavile sportom. Tko su zapravo Mumtildas?  )