231期:对话·我们越来越“在意空气”了 – Air does matter…especially for Chinese

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Summary: 上次我请到了“在意空气”的作者张斌聊雾霾,这么好的机会,当然还得聊一聊他制作的那款全国人民都知道的现象级应用“全国空气质量指数”。如今这款应用已经更名为“在意空气”,数据范围也覆盖到了全球。在这个全民都越来越在意空气的时代,我们来听听张斌和他们团队打造“在意空气”的故事。 Could an app about air quality be popular in China? Yes it could. The popular app, Air Matters, shipped in App Store for nearly 4 years, which is always the best air quality index app for Chinese. Zhang Bin ,who is the developer of Air Matters shares his story about Air Matters, and why he thinks air does matter to us. 本期嘉宾: * 张斌(微博:@__eternity__),空气质量app“在意空气”(曾用名:全国空气质量指数)作者,现居深圳