140期:岁念·找到爱做的事就是找到了自由 – Find something you love and you find freedom too

狗熊有话说 show

Summary:   春节假期刚刚结束,假期造成的后遗症就是智商降低,体重增加,所幸这期是岁念节目,对智商的消耗不大,适合回归工作态时听。本期标题来自印度思想大师克里希那穆提的一句话:“一旦发现真正爱做的事,你就是一个自由的人了,然后你就会有能力、信心和主动创造的力量。但是如果你不知道自己真正爱做的是什么,你只好去做人人羡慕的律师、政客或这个那个,于是你就不会快乐,因为那份职业会变成毁灭你自己及其他人的工具。” After the Spring Festival holiday, I felt my mind dull as well as my weight too. Maybe you feel the same, so this episode which is really not solid probably just for you. The title of the episode comes from Krishnamti, an India guru, “Once you find something you really love, you are a freeman. Then you will have the ability, confidence and the willing to create. But if you don’t know what you really love to do, you would become a lawyer, politician or something, you wouldn’t be happy.” 音乐: 金城武,陈升 – 快乐些 Coldplay – Miracles