146期:阅读·奔跑的力量 – How to find your ultra

狗熊有话说 show

Summary: 我在今年春节前,读完了一本名叫《奔跑的力量》的书。这是关于一位经历过酗酒、超重、离婚和自我怀疑等种种危机的中年男人Rich Roll,最终成为了传奇式的铁人三项赛Ultraman运动员的真实故事。诗人梭罗曾说过:男人们在沉静的绝望中生活。这时梭罗那个时代的真实写照,也可能更加适用于描绘当代生活。你是否甘愿在沉静的绝望中生活呢?或者也像Roll一样,突破绝望,最后找到自己生活的意义?今天这期播客,我们来聊聊Roll寻找自我极限的自传:《奔跑的力量》。 I’ve read a good book during my spring festival holiday, it was about a man with a lot of problems ( intemperance, over-weight, divorce and self-doubting ) conquered his fear, became a legendary iron-man triathlon athlete. It’s a true story, an inspiring story. If Rich Roll, the writer of the book Finding Ultra can do it, why don’t I try to do something similar? In this episode, I wanna share something with you from the book: Finding Ultra.