150期:阅读·女巫一定得死 – The witch must die

狗熊有话说 show

Summary: 我对童话的认识,不久前经历了三观重塑的状态。我知道了小红帽的原版里竟然有脱衣舞的描写,我知道了灰姑娘的姐姐是把自己的脚砍掉的,我也知道了,为什么每一次好莱坞要拍传统的童话题材,里面女巫的角色一定是所有媒体和观众关注的焦点,甚至要盖过了电影的女主角。我也知道了,为什么童话故事里的女巫,一定得死。你想知道么?听吧! I have a whole new view about the classic fairytales now. I know there are sexual descriptions in the Little Red Hat, I know Cinderella’s sisters chopped their feet to fit the shoe, I know the witch in the fairytales must die at last. Why? Well, you will find the answer in this episode by yourself.