157期:阅读·如何在18分钟改变世界? – How to change the world in 18 minutes?

狗熊有话说 show

Summary: 咱们这期节目聊《TED演讲的秘密:18分钟改变世界》,但在开始之前需要明确:演讲这件事,技巧只占了极小的一部分,而内容、观点和故事,才是真正能打动人的东西。首先还是要确保你有一个打动自己的观点,然后再考虑用什么样的方式和技巧,去最有效地表达和传播它,这才是正确的顺序,而不是相反。 关于节目的延展阅读,可以在『狗熊说』邮件周刊中收到。订阅方式:bear@beartalking.com 提交个人常用邮箱。 We are about to talk about the book: How to deliver a TED Talk, you should know something before the beginning. If you gonna speak in a public place, skills are not those matter. The big things are your contents, opinions and stories. You have to get a killing opinion, and then consider the ways to express and spread it, this is the right order, and the only order too. If you want to read something more about the episode, you can subscribe the BearTalking Weekly mail. Send the request to bear@beartalking.com and be the subscriber of BearTalking.