160期:阅读·牧羊少年和炼金术士 – The young shepherd and the alchemist

狗熊有话说 show

Summary:   有一个朋友买了《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》,还没开始读,就对我说:『这本书感觉好薄啊,值不值得读呢?』我当时的回复是这么说的:『用厚薄来判断书的价值,就像用身高来判断人的素质一样不靠谱』。我在 2014 年读了 52 本书。其中有煌煌巨著,也有管理经典,也有小说和其他杂选,《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》这本小书,却毫无疑问是我去年度过最重要的一本书。牧羊少年说:“当我真心在追寻着我的梦想时,每一天都是缤纷的,因为我知道每一个小时都是在实现梦想的一部分。”这期节目,我们来聊聊这本全球卖出 6500 万册的小说:《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》。关于节目的延展阅读,可以在『狗熊说』邮件周刊中收到。订阅方式:bear@beartalking.com 提交个人常用邮箱。 A friend bought the book, The Alchemist, and complained before reading it: “It’s so thin. Is it really worth to read?” I replied to him, “Judge a book’s value by pages, is as stupid as judging a man’s value by height.” I think The Alchemist is the most important book I read last year. ‘ The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world, and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon. ‘If you want to read something more about the episode, you can subscribe the BearTalking Weekly mail. Send the request to bear@beartalking.com and be the subscriber of BearTalking.