169期:对话·如何做一名增长黑客? – How to become a growth hacker?

狗熊有话说 show

Summary:   大部分创业者、运营狗和产品狗们都需要面对一个让人苦恼的问题:如何让我的产品用户量(销售量、阅读量)增长?传统的做法,狗熊已经在那篇没有节操的文章里总结过:如何让 公众号 / app / 初创产品 拥有100000个用户? 而除了这种拼臂力的笨办法之外,其实还有一种四两拔千斤的方法:使用「增长黑客」技巧,可以使用很低的成本,让销售实现巨大的增长。有人说,增长黑客就是现代互联网的「黑魔法师」。 什么是增长黑客?真的有花很少的钱就实现增长这样的好事?哪些公司曾经使用过增长黑客技巧?成为增长黑客需要什么能力?带着这些问题,大狗熊请到了畅销书《增长黑客》的作者,帅哥范冰(@xdash)老师作客「狗熊有话说」,和大家聊聊关于增长黑客的那些事儿。 嘉宾介绍:范冰,网名 XDash,88 年生人。北京乐游星空科技有限公司合伙人,二次元动漫项目「高能贩」产品总监。曾任职盛大创新院,担任「WiFi 万能钥匙」产品经理。中国最早的个人站长及共享软件开发者,科技博客「同步控」创始人,业余是自由设计师、开发者和网络营销机构顾问,亚马逊营销类 Top 1 畅销书《增长黑客》作者。 维基百科关于增长黑客的介绍: Growth hacking is a marketing technique developed by technology startups which uses creativity, analytical thinking, and social metrics to sell products and gain exposure. It can be seen as part of the online marketing ecosystem, as in many cases growth hackers are using techniques such as search engine optimization, website analytics, content marketing and A/B testing. Growth hackers focus on low-cost and innovative alternatives to traditional marketing, e.g. utilizing social media and viral marketing instead of buying advertising through more traditional media such as radio, newspaper, and television. Growth hacking is particularly important for startups, as it allows for a “lean” launch that focuses on “growth first, budgets second.” Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Airbnb and Dropbox are all companies that use growth hacking techniques. 相关链接 | Links 图书《增长黑客》官网 范冰个人博客 增长黑客的维基百科介绍页 Introduction: For the entrepreneurs, product managers and other people involved in startup projects, there’s a question that always haunts them: How to grow the saling, pageviews or users? There are some traditional ways, and you knew those way and I don’t wanna talk about them. There’s a terrific way to make the growth happen: Become a growth hacker. What is a growth hacker? Which companies did growth hacking? How to become a growth hacker? Fanbing, the arthor of the book: Growth Hacker, will answer these questions in Beartalk. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to do some growth hacking! 网易云音乐 荔枝FM 关于: 「狗熊有话说」播客是由大狗熊 于 2012 年创办的独立中文知识型播客节目,以阅读、科技、旅行和个人成长为主要话题内容,是 iTunes 中国区长期推荐播客,被苹果 iTunes 评选为「2013 年度精选最佳社会与文化播客」。 收听: 在 NewRadio、新浪播客、苹果 Podcasts 、喜马拉雅FM 和 荔枝FM 中可以搜索收听; 也可以在官网 www.beartalking.com 里在线收听; 点击微信公号文章里的『阅读原文』链接可以在微信中在线收听; 点击微信公号文章里的语音可以收听微信版,但因为长度受限不能放出完整版,建议大家通过上述的平台收听完整版节目。 联系: 微 信:bearbigtalk(公众号) 网 站:beartalking.com 邮 箱:bear@beartalking.com 微 博:@i大狗熊 博 客:bearbig.me