182期:月读·用一已之力翻转课堂 – Change our school by one man’s power

狗熊有话说 show

Summary: 在可汗学院的网站主页上,用最大的字体写着一句话:You only have to know one thing: You can learn anything(你只需知道一件事:你可以学习任何东西)。这不只是可汗学院的广告语,也是我们每个人,需要时常提醒自己的一句话。这一期节目,我想和你分享一个凭一己之力,打算颠覆整个人类目前教育体制的英雄的故事。本期“狗熊月读”:萨尔曼·可汗和他的《翻转课堂的可汗学院》。如果你想每个月用耳朵轻松读两本好书,那么也可以关注我的“狗熊月读”计划。登陆 www.readwithbear.com 查看具体情况。 There is a slogan on the first page of Khan Academy’s site, You only have to know one thing: You can learn anything. This is not only the slogan of Khan Academy, and also a reminder for everybody. 需要收听完整版节目,请至狗熊月读官网 www.readwithbear.com 购买会员。国内用户也可直接点击 这里 进行会员购买。 This is a lite version of the ReadWithBear Plan, if you need unlimited documentary, purchase the membership at www.readwithbear.com, thank you!