202期:学习·如何写好专业英文邮件? – How to write professional English emails

狗熊有话说 show

Summary: 写英文邮件的能力,比起看美剧、读原著和英文聊天之类的能力要重要多了,但这却又是特别难提高的英文能力之一。我在前两个月上了一门收费的网络课程,叫做Writing Professional Emails in English,感觉收获还蛮多的。今天这期节目我想分享这门课程的一些精华,对于很多人来说这也是必备而又实用的技巧:如何用英文来写专业邮件。 Writing English emails is a powerful skills for us, but it is really hard to improve. I took a paid lesson named Writing Professional Emails in English, and it tought me a lot of useful tips. So, I would like to share them to you in this episode. 关于节目的延展阅读,可以在『狗熊说』邮件周刊中收到。订阅方式:bear@beartalking.com 提交个人常用邮箱。也请关注「狗熊有话说」的微信公众号,获得更多有价值的内容:bearbigtalk If you want to read something more about the episode, you can subscribe the BearTalking Weekly mail. Send the request to bear@beartalking.com and be the subscriber of BearTalking. And please follow the Official Wechat Account of Beartalk: bearbigtalk.